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Search results for "PANTERA"

New Music

Faithful to the original, but still killer.

Metal Merch

Plus members of Fear Factory and Life Of Agony.


El Paso guitar legend Cesar Soto's entire career has led him to this point. To the 40th anniversary of the legendary Al Jourgensen fronted...

Injection Reflection

We are in the thick of summer, so enjoy it before it's over. Here's what you missed this week: Listen to Fred Durst's Isolated...

Shocking Revelations

Phil Anselmo and his solo band The Illegals have been lining up "Vulgar Display of Pantera" shows for the rest of the year, where...

Injection Reflection

Welp, there goes February. Here are the top stories of the week: PANTERA Officially Cancelled By "Patriots Against Railroad Trespassing" COREY TAYLOR Is Not...

Around the Interwebs

Poe's law states that without a clear indicator of an author's intent (like a wink or a smiley), "it is impossible to create a...

Around the Interwebs

I want to send a big shout out to @heavymetalbaby on TikTok, becuase I needed a smile put on my face and you just...

Injection Reflection

Is it me or are the weeks going by faster every day? 1. Corey Feldman Says MARILYN MANSON Caused Him “Decades Long Mental And...

Shocking Revelations

That's assuming a Pantera reunion would ever even happen.

Celebrity Metalheads

Rihanna has been giving nods to heavy metal for many years now. A friend of hers said there was a period where Slipknot was...

Bands and Booze

Pantera is getting their own signature beer, and great news, it's not an IPA! The cowboys from hell are teaming with Dallas craft brewery,...

Bands and Booze

Safe to assume it will, in fact, be happening.

This Is Just A Tribute

"I only had the misfortune once of getting mixed up in a ‘party situation' with them where Dime was bartending."

Upcoming Releases

It's been 20 years since Pantera released their swan song, Reinventing the Steel. Where the hell does the time go? Rhino Records is celebrating...