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Injection Reflection

What a week in metal. We had some big stories like an update on Tim Lambesis, Dying Fetus getting booked on Download Fest because...

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

Hello and welcome back to the Bandcamp Buried Treasure article series, where I'll be hunting down Buy It Now/Free Download-payment option albums on Bandcamp...

Metal Injection Exclusives

Rob interviews the always-hilarious Adam D. of Killswitch Engage. Adam talks about a decade of touring with Lamb of God, answers silly fan questions...

Weekly Injection

Every blue moon, we in the metal community get hit with a fuckton of great releases. It's amazing, but sadly looks like this will...

Guessing Game

If you want to know the answer to last time's Guessing Game click here. We're back for another round!

METAL Injection

You wanna know what sucks? Finding out that one of your favorite bands just broke up.

br00tal Comedy

Moms on Metal are back and this time they're reviewing Meshuggah, "like the Yiddish word?" they ask. Yes, moms! "Do people actually like this?"...


Not often does an unknown band blow you away. Boston’s Soul Remnants did just that with their forthcoming album, Black and Blood. And the...

Latest News

We were super-pumped yesterday when we got our first teaser trailer from the upcoming Dethklok one hour musical special, Metalocalypse: The Doomstar Requiem, A Klok...

Upcoming Releases

Each week when I write THE WEEKLY INJECTION, I find readers bitching about me not covering more "underground" bands. Mind you, I don't do...


Elder statesmen of the Chicago metal scene, and one of the more seasoned lynchpins in American death metal period, Broken Hope emerged fully formed in 1991...

Metal Day Jobs

This might explain why it's taking so long to hear some new Cynic tunes. Frontman Paul Masvidal spent a few months collaborating with actor...

Around the Interwebs

So my buddy Topon Das of Fuck The Facts (who are coincidentally playing our CMJ showcase next month) posted about a show his band...


Can't think anything other than "Holy shit, I've seeing Shining Thursday with Cormorant." What should I wear to a "blackjazz" show? Corpse paint? Fancy...


On their debut album, The Fall of Omnius, France's Nephren-Ka seek to merge technical virtuosity with sheer brutality. This isn't anything new to death...


2013 seems to be the year for side projects to rear their ugly heads. While some have been uglier than others like the Temple...

Injection Reflection

While this was a slow news week overall, it was a great week for funny and unique metal videos, as well as some drama....

Latest News

Black metal is a pretty slippery beast; some people think it died once Varg got to jail and Euronymous was killed, while others carry...

Show Recap

I ventured down to the fourth annual GWARBQ at Hadad's Lake water park this weekend for an experience I will never forget.


Grave have been at the death metal game since 1986 (back when they were Corpse) and people are still paying attention, which only means...


It’s rare for a metal band to forsake the electric guitar—acts such as Horse Latitudes and Godheadsilo come to mind. The latter was a...

Juggalo Times

This past weekend, a small town in Illinois was rocked by the Gathering of the Juggalos as it steam-rolled through the time bringing with it...


Nothing like a little brutal death metal on a Friday afternoon. We are so excited to be teaming up with Willowtip Records to bring...