I recently had the pleasure to speak with one of my all-time favorite frontmen, Jesse Leach. You can currently hear Jesse on the latest...
Hi, what are you looking for?
However, Taylor Swift is a behemoth when it comes to making money.
"Music [now] feels largely relegated to something that happens in the background or while you're doing something else."
I recently had the pleasure to speak with one of my all-time favorite frontmen, Jesse Leach. You can currently hear Jesse on the latest...
BURY YOUR DEAD vocalist Mat Buso has left the band to pursue a degree for teaching and to be with his wife. Not very...
We have just added our long-promised Video Vault, which features over 30 hours of archived METAL Injection episodes. Before we had our video-on-demand network...
First off, on behalf of everybody here at METAL Injection I want to wish everybody reading a Happy New Year. Thank you for making...
Alright zombies, I wanted to inform you about the final ten in the top twenty of 2006 has been posted online here. As I...
[youtube]De47fjH6RKY[/youtube] If you happened to watch our Anti-Christmas Special (and if you haven't go watch it now!) you would see that we spend a...
The end of the year always means "Top XX" lists for music nerds. While I'm as musically nerdy as one can get, I don't...
>STRAPPING YOUNG LAD drummer Gene Holgan will be going DETHKLOK: I just wanted to wish everyone a happy holiday season. And, to answer a...
[youtube]8eJaLx8hfLI[/youtube] Today's br00tal clip is BODIES IN THE GEARS OF THE APPARATUS "Xenophobic Hate Machine". I have no idea where this was performed and...
Two years ago you were taken from us tragically in a disaster that killed 229,000 other people. You are a hero of mine and what I read...