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Kids Today

Living in a city, headphones can be a bit of a pain. Traveling doesn't really allow me to wear my studio monitor headphones because...


Coming fresh off a tour with Clutch and Orange Goblin is a helluva way to start your career, which is the prime position Austin quintet Scorpion Child find themselves in....

br00tal Comedy

Yeah, the title pretty much says it all. You're sitting there thinking "well that's pretty quirky that he's playing some AC/DC on bagpipes. Go...


Congratulations! If you are reading this, you survived this weekend's Supermoon invasion. It was a little touch-and-go, as we all know, and those we...

RIP a Livecast

The episode kicked off with the Livecast crew dissecting two new great songs, "I'll Cut Yo' Dick Off," and "Goodbye." We then got a...


Exivious have been taking their sweet time with some new music, but here it is! Expect their new album Liminal pretty soon!


On the tenth anniversary of the release of Metallica's St. Anger, Rob remembered that I had made some off the cuff remarks that some...

Upcoming Releases

It's been a bit since we've heard anything from the Devildriver camp. The band have went underground to work on their new album, and...


With Black Gives Way to Blue, Alice in Chains proved all the faux-elitists and skeptics completely wrong. They managed to avoid the anticlimactic self-parody...


Mlny Parsonz, Evan Diprima, and Josh Weaver make up the Atlanta based doom rock outfit Royal Thunder. While on their rather strangly billed tour with The...


We are excited to bring you a world premiere track from Sioux Falls, SD's Colossus. The band is releasing Time & Eternal on June...


There aren't many bands that maintain a consistency while constantly progressing from album to album. It seems like everyone wants to renew and reinvent...

Decibel's Clips of the Month

Every month, Decibel scribe Shane Mehling reviews the four videos that appear in the mag under “Decibel’s Clips of the Month at Metal Injection.”...


In 2013, melodic death metal is as musically relevant as barbershop. The genre peaked when At The Gates dropped Slaughter of the Soul, but...

Latest News

Machine Head have been looking for a bassist for a little while now, and even had some big names like Christian Olde Wolbers formerly...


Rotting Out are dropping their new record The Wrong Way on May 7, but you definitely don't have to wait until then to hear...

Video Games

Juggalos are everywhere these days. The news. SNL parodies. Even on FBI watchlists. So maybe I shouldn't be so shocked to see a juggalo...


Remember when last week, Atilla's Chris Fronzak bitched about how if his new album "doesn't blow the fuck up" he will quit music…well, if...

Latest News

You're about to get learned on Memfis, one of the coolest progressive metal bands that Sweden has to offer. What you need to know...

Free Swag

In what has become a yearly tradition, Metal Injection proudly brings to you our Rockstar Energy Mayhem Fest ticket giveaway. We will be choosing...


Shining's new album One One One comes out today. If you're sill on the fence about picking it up, come on in and stream...

Latest News

Can't wait to hear Stone Sour's House of Gold and Bones, Pt. 2? Don't wait then! We'll hook you up with a stream.

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Metal gods Scion A/V gave us Meshuggah's b-side "Pitch Black" earlier on this year, but now they want to hook you up with a...