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Funeral Doom Friday

Finally, the weekend is upon us. What better way to kick it off than with the latest installment of "Funeral Doom Friday". For those...


FFO: Fugazi, Thrice, Slint...

Tech-Death Tuesday

Hey there tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. It's been a great period for technical death metal recently, and while many...

Music Videos

The Newcastle-upon-Tyne collective of Kylver released their second studio album, called The Island, in the fall of last year. The instrumental, prog-metal group constructed a narrative-driven epic...

Full Album Stream

The international, atmospheric doom group returns with a new offering.

Live Footage

The music world was shocked today with the suicide death of Linkin Park frontman Chester Bennington by hanging, who was only 41 years old....


Empyrium mastermind Markus Stock has brought his side project back to life in audacious fashion.

Funeral Doom Friday

Finally, the weekend is upon us. What better way to kick it off than with the latest installment of "Funeral Doom Friday". For those...

Upcoming Releases

Jens Kidman would make a terrifying cenobite.

Funeral Doom Friday

A retrospective AND prospective look at 2017 in extreme doom.

Scene Report

The following is a guest post by Edward Banchs, author of Heavy Metal Africa: Life, Passion, and Heavy Metal in the Forgotten Continent. One of...

Funeral Doom Friday

Finally, the weekend is upon us. What better way to kick it off than with the latest installment of "Funeral Doom Friday". For those...


You either love them or loathe them. Few forms of entertainment are as subjective as music. Us music journalists like to think we’ve got...


Mutilated and Assimilated is the band's second album since their 2012 reunion, and it improves upon 2013's Omen of Disease not through reinvention but...


We are officially half way through with 2017, and it's been a busy year for heavy metal. While the second half of the year...


Every once in a while though bands like Chaos come along to reassure us that the flame still burns and that angry, politically charged...

The Obituarist

Hi kids, do you like violence? Trevor from The Black Dahlia Murder here again with more sick underground offerings to embalm your earholes this...


Vengeful Ascension is a refinement rather than a retooling of the Goatwhore sound... there's nothing here we haven't heard out of these guys before,...