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Unpleasant, ugly, vile, and grim with the viciousness of a cinder block to the teeth. That's one way you could encapsulate the skin peeling...


Because why the hell would you expect normalcy from Sigh?


Since regression is a return to a former or less developed state, one will doubtless see the new Theories album in a matter of...


It'll really help us out by allowing us to tailor Metal Injection to your desires, and we can gauge your interest in some exciting...


"The singer sounds like he’s sitting on a toilet seat, pushing a big one. I can’t stand it! "

Seriously, they absolutely nail it!

Tour Dates

With the rumors circulating that Metallica haven't made any profits since 2010, it helped explain why the band had no problems doing a lot...


The following is a guest editorial by the prolific metal trend analyst Sergeant D. on the recent H&M controversy: As u may have heard by now, some hipster...

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He also talks about how comfortable the reunion was and the absence of Jim Martin.


Ex-System Divide's Joe Spiller and LCTR drummer Evan Sammons are about to tear it up this year!

Upcoming Releases

What did you expect from Till Lindemann and Peter Tägtgren?


Chris Adler and Kiko Loureiro, come on down!


Finally! Our first listen to a track from the Game of Thrones mixtape.


A look back at an uprising that captured the spirit of the heavy metal community a decade ago.


Enslaved were one of the earlier Scandinavian bands to begin rigorously unraveling the increasingly staid black metal template. Though they've been at this "controlled...

Music Videos

First new music from Spylacopa (Candiria, ISIS, Made Out Of Babies)


Mastodon is coming!

Injection Reflection

This was the week that Slipknot got socked! Also, we got some interesting covers and Lars Ulrich went partying. Here are this week's 10...


Pelican's discography has gotten increasingly "single"-heavy over the years, so it's not surprising that they've opted to rebound from last year's excellent live album, Artika,...

Injection Reflection

Black Metal History Month is officially done. You can see all of our posts here. For now, here are this week's most trending stories:...

Upcoming Releases

Once Bruce is ready to go, so is the band.