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Search results for "taste"

Artists in Metal

In this interview we talk about his early upbringing as an artist, his introduction into making artwork for bands, the current state of visual...


Two days, two new Machine Head songs?! It must be my birthday!


As I indicated in my review, I liked Krieg's new record, Transient. But I was also critical in some parts, as certain songs left...


The self proclaimed "aliencore" band Rings of Saturn is a sterling example of what space themed metal is. They are not the first ones...


Behold! Over an hour of underground death metal and grindcore! All for you! All for free! You're Welcome!

Around the Interwebs

Get it? Because of the popular Slayer song, "Piece By Piece"

Undergound Buzz

A couple of years ago, a groove metal band from the Los Angeles area named Soulbleed got a hold of my blog and asked...

Upcoming Releases

A new interview with bassist Robert Trujillo suggest they just might be!

Fuck Yes!

"I really don't want this stuff corrupting my boyfriend and making him change from the loving, positive person he is"


…and it sounds good!

Music Videos

Not just a stupid shirt company!


If you need further proof that Dave Lombardo is an excellent drummer…


How did the Metallica guitarist do? Excellent!


Give me more!


It's not a new Lamb of God song, but it's as close as we're going to get this year.

RIP a Livecast

We begin this week's episode talking about former Stone Temple Pilots frontman Scott Weiland being falsely accused of being locked up for meth possession....

Fuck Yes!

Talk about an all-star replacement.


...an amazing job by a true pro!


Listen to the new Slipknot song, maggots!


I'm digging it.