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Search results for "fail"

It's Just Business

The honeymoon is over. Less than a year after signing a distribution deal with Century Media, Earache Records is taking them to court.


A great look at early GWAR


I'll just come out and say it: The Oath is a nearly picture-perfect, no nonsense heavy metal album. On their debut album, The Oath...

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Now we're all enslaved to naming it one of the best records of 2014, probably.


Heavy metal music has a spirit all its own.  Many bands reach for this feeling, but only some bleed it from every note they...

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Cool things have been happening to this band recently...

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Want another Devy album? Then he asks you help him make it happen!

Black Metal History

The one sub-genre of music most closely associated with hatred, chaos, misanthropy, individualism, and a lack of rules has come to be known as...

Fuck Yes!

Happy 25th anniversary to Meshuggah!


A response to the MTV Guys Code article "Why Are There So Many Cute Girls At Metal & Hardcore Concerts Now?"


The topic of ‘supergroup’ or ‘all-star’ band conjures some images of epic failures and some distinguished triumphs; De La Tierra being billed this way immediately...


Buzz Osborne is also pretty adamant about millionaires working for their money.

Best of 2013

It's been a crazy year for metal, but rather than the usual break-up drama, this year was filled with arrests, drug busts and some...


After the Burial is a band that has largely remained unchanged throughout the years in terms of their core sound- low tuned guitars that...


I'm going to try to be as respectful as possible with this post so bear with me. At the beginning of the year, For...

Best of 2013

Every single year I get excited about a fair amount of records, exclaiming that each one is easily the best of the batch without...

Best of 2013

As 2013 wanes into the cold beginnings of 2014, it's time to look back on the records that shaped the past year in extreme...


Let's be frank, shall we? 23 years into the band's recorded history, there have been far more mediocre Deicide albums than truly good ones. No one...

Shocking Revelations

How weird must it be to be a friend of Lostprophets vocalist Ian Watkins? You think you know somebody and then they admit to...