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Music Videos

If there is a shittier video that came out this year, I haven't seen it yet!

Free Swag

Last month, we launched the Obituary "Violence" vocal cover contest and we got a lot of great entries. We shipped them all off to...

Metal Crimes

Dead By Wednesday just released a new EP this summer, Death of the Rockstar and now they are in need of a new vocalist....

Tour Dates

Aeon and Tribulation will be providing support.

Weekly Injection

With this week in the books, I can start prepping my end of the year list. There will be a few other ear catching...


Obituary is releasing their latest moldering chunk of sonic grave-soil via Relapse Records. Entitled Inked in Blood, the new one began officially embalming Eustachian...


The best video you'll see today.

Shocking Revelations

We are never going to get a Led Zeppelin reunion, ever.

Tour Dates

Can they just do a full album and tour already??

Upcoming Releases

Are you looking forward to new music from Manson?

Upcoming Releases



I'm not trying to be a social justice warrior here, I'm just trying to tell you to come up with more clever insults.


She wants to make it clear her husband died in his sleep.


Blut Aus Nord and its mastermind Vindsval are primarily associated with boundary shifting experimentation within the musical realm of black metal. The ultra-prolific unit...


In existence since the mid-nineties, Dawnbringer released three gritty, punk-cum-early NWOBHM inspired albums before catching a lot more attention and acclaim with 2010's Nucleus...

Tour Dates

Black Crown Initiate will open with Ringworm, Dayglo Abortions, Theories and Phobia also on select dates.

Weekly Injection

Welp folks. We're about to hit that dry period of album releases. Most labels have already pushed their best stuff and are prepping for...


"I'm not gonna sit here and dog somebody that I spent 15 years building something amazing with — I'm not gonna do that. And...


Dave Grohl: too cool.

RIP a Livecast

This year marks the 10th anniversary of not just Metal Injection, but also, of the Metallica documentary Some Kind of Monster. The documentary focuses...

Bummer Alert

Wayne Static, frontman of Static-X was found dead Halloween weekend, 2014. No official cause of death is revealed, but a drug overdose is suspected.