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Metal Crimes

DEAD BY WEDNESDAY Vocalist Arrested For Robbing A Pharmacy; Booted From The Band

Dead By Wednesday just released a new EP this summer, Death of the Rockstar and now they are in need of a new vocalist. What happened to their old vocalist? Oh, he was just arrested for attempting to burglarize his local pharmacy.

Joseph Magoveny-Morbidelli was arrested earlier this morning, November 11th, in Hamden, CT after allegedly breaking into a local Apex Pharmacy and stealing what police are calling a large quantity of pills, cough syrup and supplies. After a burglar alarm was set off, police arrived at the pharmacy to see a glass door shattered and a comprimised drug cabinet with various narcotics missing. By the time police arrived, the robber was gone.

Soon after, a police offer observed Magoveny-Morbidelli less than a mile away by the Shepard Glen School. They searched him and found that he was in possession of a large amount of pills, cough syrup and supplies. Just how far was the school from the pharmacy? Not far at all:

pharmacy to school

So, Magoveny-Morbidelli "successfully" robbed a pharmacy and instead of getting his ass out of there, his instinct was to stop and get high less than a mile away from the scene of a crime. I would call him an idiot, but I don't think he's an idiot, he is just a drug addict with a serious problem.

After searching Magoveny-Morbidelli, cops arrested him and sent him to a local jail. According to the Hamden Patch, he is being held on charges of third-degree burglary, second-degree criminal mischief, sixth-degree larceny, possession of narcotics and illegal possession of narcotics within 1,500 feet of a school. His bond is set at $50,000 and he is scheduled to appear in Meriden Superior Court on Nov. 25.

Trying to get in front of the situation, Dead By Wednesday are now distancing themselves from their former frontman. In a new Facebook post, they just announced they are dropping their association with Magoveny-Morbidelli until he gets cleaned up:

They say honesty is the best policy so we feel as a band that we need to be honest to all our fans and friends who have supported us through all our up's & downs. We are saddened to say that after many years of being family, band mates & friends, we as a band collectively, are forced out of love and care to turn our backs and part ways with our singer and brother Joe Morbidelli. He unfortunately needs to fix himself before he can take over the world with or with out us as a singer. His position may or may not be here for him if he were to completely stop his drug use and drinking, get some legitimate help and prove to us that he is clean & sober but he has become to much of a liability for us to continue working with him on a professional level. We can not have someone in our camp that we can not trust. No matter what happens, we wish him the best in all sincerity and we hope he can find some peace and become healthy again. We are deeply sorry to all the fans that also love Joe as our frontman but please try and understand the position and circumstances that we have in front of us and have been forced and placed unwillingly on us and out of our control. This band keeps growing, changing and evolving, so please stick with us for the next chapter of DBW as we move forward once again. We are already in the audition stages and we will have someone ready by our awesome Thanksgiving Eve show! Stay positive as we need everyone's support with this descison. Thank you so much!

Love, Opus, Mike, & Joey C.

We truly hope Magoveny-Morbidelli gets the help he needs to clean up before it's too late.


[Thanks for the tip, Chris Taylor]

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