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Latest News

Black Sabbath is working on new material, and they are planning to cash in huge next year with a huge world tour. Dates are...

Latest News

Black Sabbath posted a teaser image on their Facebook page earlier today, teasing 11/11/11, which is next Friday. What could the band be announcing? Could...

Injection Reflection

It's Hallo-weekend. I was going to go dressed as the easiest Waldo ever to spot, but I never had enough time to buy my...

Bands and Booze

Bands can't make a living off record sales anymore. That seems to be a forgone conclusion. So, now these bands and their representation are...


Our photo gallery is constantly being updated with sexy snapshots of shows happing all across the world. Here are just some of the shows...

Latest News

Dave Mustaine already blew the lid on this earlier this month, but it is officially confirmed now. Motörhead, Volbeat, and Lacuna Coil will join...

Injection Reflection

This week marked the official beginning of Fall. While the weather is starting to suck, heavy music is starting to ramp up it's Fall...

Injection Reflection

What a crazy week this has been, between the huge Big 4 show on Wednesday and all the happenings at the beginning of the...

RIP a Livecast

We were joined by Axl Rosenberg on this edition of the Livecast. We spent the first hour talking about the Big 4 show that...


Does anyone still care about Anaal Nathrakh?  After making waves early on with their love-it-or-hate-it blend of black and death with industrial overtones, the...

Tour Dates

Holy. Fucking. Shit. Every now and then a tour comes along where it's hard to find a weak point where you can go outside...

Latest News

We are packing our bags and getting ready for SXSW. But before we go, it's time for another round of the Guessing Game. First...

Black Metal History

By Graham "Gruhamed" Hartmann In the spirit of Black Metal History Month, in this year of our Lord 2011, it's only right that we...

Best of 2010

Well, the votes have been tallied (thanks to Cancerscare for that) and the results are in! Here are the top albums of the year...


I have yet to see Lemmy, the documentary about one of the most metal motherfucker on the planet, Lemmy Kilmister but I can't wait...


If you ever find yourself in the Los Angeles area, and end up at the most metal bar in town, The Rainbow, chances are...

Around the Interwebs

Lemmy Kilmister is not only a rock legend, he is a sex symbol. Need proof? Why scroll your feeble browser down a few pixels...


by: Sean Gresens I'm going to try something different with this one. Instead of just a general blanket statement about the band as a...

RIP a Livecast

There were quite a few laughs on this, the 80th edition of the RIP a Livecast. In the first hour, we discussed

Sick Art

A few months back we salivated at the Larry David/Motorhead mashup shirt that the fine people at Shirts & Destroy created, and it seems...

Extreme Zoom

After two rounds of our most recent Extreme Zoom, we were finally able to pick a winner in Metal Injection Junkie belbidair. Congrats to...

Latest News

CLICK HERE FOR OUR VIDEO RECAP So we just got back to our hotel room after a ridiculous night of partying at the Revolver...

Show Recap

by: Robert Pasbani Check out all of our SXSW 2010 videos South By SouthWest is over and I barely remember it. And, that's definitely...