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To your right, you will find the first ROB ZOMBIE single called What?. No, that's what it's called… What? Yes, What?! It sounds tailor...


By Ben Apatoff It may not be fair to compare DOOMRIDERS to guitarist/vocalist NATE NEWTON's better known day job, but Darkness Come Alive delivers...

Revelations of Doom

Hey kids! Grim Kim has returned to darken your shores once again (i.e. I probably would've gotten kicked out if I'd stayed in the...


We had the extreme pleasure to get an interview with one of the best bands going today, grindcore masters PIG DESTROYER. It was a...

Heavy Metal Happy Hour

Frank has returned to bestow upon you another round of heavy metal to soothe your earbuds. The theme this week is "InstruMetal" featuring some...


by James Greene, Jr. The term "epic" has been bandied about with such regularity in recent years that it hardly has one drop of...

Upcoming Releases

by: James Greene Jr. Get ready for more AC/DC than you can shake your wang at. On November 10, everyone's favorite Aussie rock institution...

Latest News

We received a very exciting press release from CYNIC's management the other day. Here is a direct quote that gave me a bit of...

Around the Interwebs

I was paroosing AbsolutePunk's list of Best/Worst Merch at Warped 2009 and they rightfully awarded the above shirt by hardcore label Bridge 9 Records...

Tour Dates

by Ben Apatoff Really, guys? Maybe I'm misunderestimating THURSDAY, but it doesn't seem right that some indistinguishable screamo act gets to headline over the...


By Ben Apatoff New PEARL JAM sounding too soft? Still too soon to discuss the latest CHRIS CORNELL debacle? Fear not, grungeheads, because ALICE...


by Ben Apatoff Like recent SLAYER or IRON MAIDEN, every new MEGADETH release comes an inevitable wave of "return to form" and "best since...


by James Greene, Jr. Remember when Rammstein was scary? You know, back around the time Columbine happened and every German with a keyboard was...


So much great new music, so little time! No talk, just play: VictoryMetal.com has posted a stream of a brand new song from BETWEEN...


As September 18th draws ever closer, the riff-hungry troops of doom are stocking up on earplugs and rolling papers, preparing to follow the sign...

Tour Dates

MEGADETH Headcrusher Video I've been listening to MEGADETH's new CD Endgame and it's pretty fucking killer. The best 'deth CD in quite a while....

Quick Bits

Ok, this might not exactly be "metal news" but it's still pretty cool. In celebration of 15 years running of the Warped Tour, and...

RIP a Livecast

This week brought us to the final Friday Livecast (we're moving to Wed.) and brought us a podcast with 2 hosts who were m.i.a. ...


Dave Mustaine has spoken! He posted a lengthy update on the band's forum discussing a lot of topics we've been reporting on, including the...

Tour Diary

Coalesce recently embarked on their first European trek ever, so we asked them to document the journey in the form of a few tour...

Latest News

James Malone (seen looking incredibly skinny in the center of the above photo) recently issued an update confiming the band is in the studio...

Breakups & Shakeups

A few days ago, we posted about how DIMMU BORGIR kicked out two members and one of them revolted by changing his MySpace mood...


CollegeHumor is a site which features enough distractions to get no work done all day (especially their Jake & Amir series). They do a...