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RIP a Livecast

Here is a clip Sid shot of us in the desert from our trip to Vegas/LAwhich we talk about during the show. Rob, Noa,...


We are super pumped to be a part of the No Labels Needed contest presented by MetalInsider.net and Scion. We will be documenting the...

Breakups & Shakeups

One of the most promising instrumental acts a few years ago was a two-man band called SLEEP TERROR. Created by Luke Jaeger, he recorded...

RIP a Livecast

The first Livecast of the new year was a big one. We brought back one of our game shows, The Dirty Pyramid II and...

Latest News

Happy 2010! The first sign that the new decade is going to school you (and an addendum to one of 2009's top stories) arrives...

Best of 2009

A few weeks ago, we opened up a forum thread asking you junkies to submit your top 10 albums of the year. We would...

Best of 2009

Today is the eve of a new year (and a new decade), with that Frank takes a look at some albums that will be...

Best of 2009

As we are winding down our recaps, we present our Top News Stories of 2009. We picked out the most talked about happenings of...

Best of 2009

You've seen our individual lists below, and we've compiled the videos we actually agree on into the final 2009 edition of the FiX. In...

Best of 2009

by Robert Pasbani Here at Metal Injection, seeing as though we are a video site we come across a helluva lot of music videos,...

Best of 2009

by Frank Godla Metal Injection undeniably watches a crap load of music videos each year, I suppose that is part of our job for...

Latest News

The Orange County Register is reporting that AVENGED SEVENFOLD drummer James Owen Sullivan, better known as the Rev, was found dead in his home...

Best of 2009

by: "Grim" Kim Kelly As anyone who's read my stuff on here before has probably gleaned by now, I don't give a fuck about...


This year there were many hilarious videos. I went through our br00tal Comedy channel archives and picked out the best funny videos of the...

Best of 2009

by Robert Pasbani There are only so many synonyms for "brutal" when describing records. Normally, I hate doing reviews, but since this was such...

Best of 2009

By Ben Apatoff Best-of lists are always fun to make, but they're usually a burden when finished and published. It's like getting a KORN...

Best of 2009

by Ryan Buege Some people might have qualms with the amount of hardcore and punk that shows up in my list – I am...

Best of 2009

We are gearing up for our "Best of 2009" series of posts in the next few weeks. They will contain our favorite music videos...


Max Cavalara and crew have been really kind to let us into their studio, submitting some studio reports and the latest one is the...

Free Swag

We're teaming up with MUDVAYNE to give their fans one killer contest! To celebrate the release of their fifth studio album, Mudvayne is looking...

Latest News

RollingStone still covers music? When they're not busy featuring that kid from Twilight on their cover, they actually do something cool like get a...

RIP a Livecast

On this edition of the Livecast, Rob shows up an hour late. In other news, the 1st hour of the show is probably the...

Back in the Day

By Ben Apatoff It doesn't entitle DAVE MUSTAINE to act like the self-centered baby he apparently is, but Endgame is MEGADETH's best record in...