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Search results for "guitar"


Coming out of the Mid-West, Hyborian have been a group that anyone into heavy music should be keeping tabs on. After forming in 2015,...

Injection Reflection

The world is slowly decaying, hopefully we can pull through. Here's some stuff you may have missed while dealing with more important matters: Italian...

Music Videos

"This is a song about struggling through difficult times."


The set that Trivium never got to play at Knotfest Japan.

Music Videos

"'Behind the Blood' is a celebration of the heavy metal music that we all grew up with."

Bummer Alert

Holt is hoping to make a full recovery.

New Music

Blackened deathcore? Sign us up! This new video is a tour de force!

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Punishing Texas groove metal? Yes please!

New Music

Their first record label-less song.

New Music

"I want to be able to provide some relief during these coming times in the ways that I am able."


Anyone with an ear to the European heavy underground knows the name Lowrider. The hype language for the Swedish quartet’s years-in-the-making sophomore album Refractions...


Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...


It’s surprising that jazz and metal haven’t come together more often. Both genres are rejected by the mainstream, value outside-the-box thinking and are generally...


With the Covid-19 pandemic on everyone's mind, the world is slowly shutting down into isolation to curb the spread of the infection. Travel bans,...