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Best of 2013

My Top 5 List of Things You Should Take Away From My Top 20 List 5. I still believe numerical album lists are silly,...

Best of 2013

Here we are again; the end of another year in metal. And here I am again, trying to put together a list of the...

Upcoming Releases

The low-end purveyors of two of the Big 4 of Thrash have united for a new project. Megadeth bassist David Ellefson and Anthrax bassist...

Gear Gods

Immortal Guardian keyboardist and guitarist Gabriel Guardian decided that he didn't need anyone else to do Pantera's "Cemetery Gates" and knocked the song out...

Fuck Yes!

Over the weekend Anthax guitarist Scott Ian and Dethklok mastermind Brendan Small both tweeted they were in the studio working on a new project....

Metal Merch

[tps_header]Christmas and Hannukah shopping for metalheads may not be easy, so we here at Metal Injection thought we'd throw in our two cents on...

Around the Interwebs

Meet Lachlan Connors. Lachlan liked to play lacrosse in sixth grade, and accidently hit his head on the ground one day suffering a concussion. After...


For all the shit Metal Injection junkies give to Metallica in our comments section, you have to hand it to the dudes. They try...


To celebrate the release of Metal! EZX, we landed an exclusive interview with Bergstrand, Lewis and Suecof to talk recording techniques, mixing strategy, their...


Through all the drama between Deicide and Broken Hope recently (and Deicide frontman Glen Benton being a generally good dude about it all), it's...

Upcoming Releases

What a rollercoaster year for TOOL fans. Earlier this year we got excited when a posting on the official TOOL website hinted that perhaps the band was...

Gear Gods

We've posted tons of great covers on unique instruments but this one might take the cake.


When the idea of a metal scene is brought up, we hardly think of countries that don't receive big tours or aren't brought up...

Latest News

Hannes Grossman is one hell of a drummer; you've heard the dude play in Obscura and Blotted Science enough to know. Grossman does need...


Krimh, or the one-man project by ex-Decapitated drummer Kerim "Krimh" Lechner, has released his/their new record Explore which is available for streaming! Come check it...


Conflicting ideologies seem to spurn the best possible music. The black metal and death metal scenes fought against each other back in the early...


Heroism looms large in the metal pantheon. Yet as much fussing over the concept goes on, few of the genre's practitioners possess the conviction...

Latest News

We've had some interesting supergroups this year like Palms and Scar the Martyr, but Teenage Time Killer is an entirely new breed… mainly because...


There's a new Red Fang song available. Why haven't you streamed it yet?


Masters of everything somber, Katatonia released Dead End Kings in 2012 to solid reception. The album was much more orchestral than previous works and...


We are launching a new gear-centric website, Gear Gods and need your help.

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

Hello and welcome back to the Bandcamp Buried Treasure article series, where I'll be hunting down Buy It Now/Free Download-payment option albums on Bandcamp...

Upcoming Releases

Opeth split their fan base pretty heavily when it came to their last album, Heritage, and while they show no signs of stopping with...