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Funeral Doom Friday

Finally, the weekend is upon us. What better way to kick it off than with the latest installment of "Funeral Doom Friday". For those...

Latest News

They make... well, a lot of money. It's not easy, though!

Music Videos

Their tour with The Acacia Strain & Downset starts today!

RIP a Livecast

It's opening day of baseball season, and The RIP a Livecast is ready to play ball. We kick things off with fart talk and...


"Some fans are completely opposite to me politically. But we can still be in the same room and have a good time and hopefully...


It’s probably easy to assume that all the classic heavy metal groups in history started off with inspired records, but looking back, that’s not...

Latest News

Y'know, like one where you can actually hear Jason Newsted. He's not sure though.

The Thinking Man

The latest release from Illusion of Control is an impressive blend of death metal and folk elements


This New Jersey band's debut is much more than a complex piece of rigidly structured virtuosity.

New Music

Denver blackended death trio, Glacial Tomb, is one of the newest products of a wildly productive Denver metal scene. Featuring current and former members of Khemmis, Abigail Williams,...


One of the guests I knew I wanted to get on the show when I started the podcast two years ago was Bubba Ray...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes lots of epicness, death metal, things that seem to upset my cat, and more! To the metals...

Music Videos

Marilyn Manson has really been stepping up his game with music videos for his latest release, Heaven Upside Down. The budgets make it feel...

RIP a Livecast

We were getting a little serious at the top of the episode, talking about depression, mental illness, and getting a job vs working on...

Dank Slams

Today is your lucky day, you cheeto-lovin, stink-footed, inbred, rectal-munching bastards! We got a double-whammy of world-exclusive slammies for ya today. We ain't got...

Upcoming Releases

They want to make sure their lawsuit with their former label is settled first.