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Search results for "standard"

RIP a Livecast

3D was absent for this edition of the Livecast, so we broadcast in standard definition. Get it? Sid talked about visiting Noa at Sirius...

Music Videos

"Naturbål" ("Nature's Bonfire") is yet another groundbreaking Folk Metal record in the discography of the Swedish mastermind whose characteristic vocals and unique songs have...


Symphonic metal is one of the most artistic subgenres of metal. I feel like there’s a certain way it needs to be done in...

Artists in Metal

Find out about the artist's process and check out some of his insanely cool creations.

Upcoming Releases

Some of Mitch Lucker's final lyrics make the cut.

Metal Crimes

Police said gunshots were fired at the venue around 7:10 p.m with the brawl taking place inside and including knives, bats and machetes.


A profoundly weird display of blackened noise. Weird, off-putting and almost stark in its eschewing of song-structure, any evaluation of Twilight's III: Beneath Trident's...


My botany in college was shit and is shit in general (mostly because I never took the class), but in case you were wondering,...

Around the Interwebs

Metal Injection has previously documented the various and sundry heavy covers of Game of Thrones's opening theme song. HBO's massive hit is easily the...

Tour Dates

Cannibal Corpse, Suicide Silence and Ice T's Body Count also on the bill!

Latest News

We just got a new statement from Gwar's manager, Jack Flanagan updating fans on where things stand with memorial services for frontman Dave Brockie:...


With a name like Ass to Mouth one can't help but be called back to watching Kevin Smith's Clerks 2 where you learned that...

Music Videos

KXM, which consist of King's X bassist and vocalist dUg Pinnick, Korn drummer Ray Luzier and guitarist George Lynch, has released another single off the upcoming self-titled out Mar. 11....

Fuck Yes!

“Gwar, as public figures, are no doubt role models to many impressionable young people. This kind of irresponsible and hateful behaviour has the potential...

Black Metal History

There is music that is meant to comfort us, music meant to disturb us, and music meant to impale our senses with the cold...

Black Metal History

Tracing the origins of black metal is less like searching for a needle in a haystack and more like wondering through a graveyard at...

Essential Black Metal Listening

Before there was "kvlt" there was Mayhem. Their influence would go on to become transmusical, but in the beginning that's all there was: a six...

Black Metal History

Brooklyn, New York's Yellow Eyes are relatively new to the USBM game having just released their debut album in 2012. Despite the band's relative...

Shocking Revelations

The last time we wrote about Christian metal act For Today, I discovered a blog post on frontman Mattie Montgomery's personal blog, which has...

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

Blackest are what you need to get you through this shitty weather.