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Also members of Dying Fetus, Cryptopsy, Eyehategod, Incantation, Trivium, and way more!

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include emotional journeys with a legendary sludge artist, a supergroup with a bunch of friends, everyone's second favorite...

Mashups & Covers

These Two Minutes to Late Night covers are getting BIG. Last week, they had dudes from Tool, Primus and Coheed cover Rush and this...

Record Sales

July wasn't the greatest month for this list. Big surprise for 2020, I know. While many bands saw a decrease in listeners, overall the...

New Music

Oh hell yeah, I' mreally digging the new track from Greg Puciato that was released today, "Roach Hiss." The track is from his coming solo album Child...

All about that Pure Rock Fury-era Clutch.

New Music

Yet another ripper from Black Crown Initiate.

Music Videos

It's probably going to get stuck in your head.

Best of 2020

I asked the staff at Metal Injection to contribute their five favorite albums of 2020 so far with brief words why they picked them....

Record Sales

Welcome back to the Spotify Mega List, where we track nearly 400 bands and their followers on Spotify. June, like May, saw an overall...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include some doom, an epic swan song, some grandpas guitars, and more! To the metals...

Music Videos

Bring Me The Horizon are constantly expanding their sound, and that's on full display with their catchy new single, "Parasite Eve." The first part...

Latest News

Father's Day for most is a day to celebrate with their father and have a fun time with the family. But for some it...


Read an in-depth interview with the Ontario doom duo ahead of their newest album's release this Friday!

Music Videos

Like Davie Allan & The Arrows, The Cramps, and Motörhead all on motorcycles.

Record Sales

May was a rough month, but the rock and metal bands on Spotify overall saw gains in their listeners. This month I decided to...

New Music

From their first new album in four years Violent Portraits of Doomed Escape.

New Music

Neon Empire are on a path of destruction with their new EP, "Distorted Reality". They combine traditional Metalcore elements with techno-inspired synth lines and...

New Music

I'm extremely happy to report the Slay At Home festival was a success all around. With over 30 curated performances right from artist's homes,...