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Search results for "motorhead"

Metal Merch

Our suggestions for Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza and all holiday heavy metal gifts


Motorhead may be no more, but Phil Campbell is still out there killing it.

Weekly Injection

In this edition I feel sorry for any band that isn't Metallica. To the metals...

Music Videos

Motorhead head frontman Lemmy Kilmister wasn't just an icon and hero, he was somebody that Metallica took great influence from and the band decided...

Metal Merch

Mini Guns N' Roses for your house and desk!


We chatted with vocalist John Carbone and guitarist Nick Lee backstage at the last date of their Intronaut and Entheos tour...


There's no single song here capable of making one singlehandedly forget Underground Resistance or Circle the Wagons, but as a whole you'll probably find...


Salem's Bend understand the power of both Hawkwind and Motorhead, making this record a stunner.

Bands and Booze

The California natives have teamed up with San Diego's Belching Beaver Brewery for a beer they are calling Phantom Bride IPA.

Weekly Injection

A SOLID week of releases for you. Includes lots of high speed technicality, lots of lurching heaviness, and so much more. To the metals…

The Obituarist

I’ve got a great round up of 23 solid as fuck new releases (heavy on the death metal) you should be checking out this...


Get in here for an in depth interview with Brandon Yeagley of Crobot about life, the universe and everything.


Out-of-town patrons – who dreamt Slaughter lost the eye in a “badass” way, like a secret war in Central America in the 80s, an...


What Decision Day gives Sodom is the ability to add new songs to their set-list. Likewise, it gives fans new songs to mosh and...

Upcoming Releases

New Crowbar is almost here. Today, the band announced they will be releasing The Serpent Only Lies on October 28 via eOne. The artwork, designed by Eliran...

Latest News

You decide if the statue looks good or not.


Thinka continuum between 70's almost-punk like the Runaways on one end and 90's riot grrl acts like L7 and Bikini Kill on the other,...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes a lot of melody (sorry?), some covers, even more Omar Rodriguez-Lopez, and more! To the metals…


Don't worry, there are overpriced Black Sabbath, Motorhead, and Black Flag t-shirts too!


Panzerbastard might not be our generations Motorhead, but they still fucking rule.