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Music Videos

Swedish quintet Three Dead Fingers are all between the ages of 13 and 14 but their musical maturity is at least double that age....

Tour Dates

Hip hop and hardcore are getting along these days.


You are not ready for this one...

Tour Dates

Louder Than Life fest is getting a dose of Paradise City. Guns N Roses were announced as the headliners of the festival, happening in...

Full Album Stream

The successor to Q1, which was also awesome.

RIP a Livecast

We kicked things off talking about the new Motley Crue movie, The Dirt, and Rob talked about how the world needs a new Motley...

Celebrity Metalheads

The man's metal journey has been great to watch.


Decoherence have emerged from the primordial, and delivered something desperately needed.

Upcoming Releases

When will we hear new music?

Full Album Stream

The band released it early to beat the leaks.

Tour Dates

Probably right before they hit the studio.

The Monday Grind

It's Monday and Mondays suck, so let's grind it out with Sachiel's Human Instrumentality.

Back in the Day

1983 was a pretty great year for heavy metal, and many metal bands would release albums which to this day are coveted by headbangers....


Members of Opeth, Dream Theater, Ghost, Megadeth, Conjurer, Cradle Of Filth and more.

Metal Merch

It's pretty heavy, but there's no actual vinyl.

Injection Reflection

How the hell is March over? We're 1/4ths of the way done with 2019?! Time is a speeding train going forward. Here is what...