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Plus vocalists from Seven Kingdoms, A Sound of Thunder, Master Sword, Plague of Stars, and more!

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Hunter Hunt-Hendrix, vocalist of New York post-black metal band Liturgy, has come out as transgender. In a new statement, she writes “I am a...

Mashups & Covers

Anthony Vincent of Ten Second Songs is back with another excellent mash up of Korn's big hit "Freak on a Leash" and offered some unique...

This Is Just A Tribute

Little Richard obviously never released a heavy metal album, but it's safe to say without Little Richard heavy metal wouldn't exist. Richard died earlier...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include some more deeper cuts than normal with riffs, blast beats, fuzz, and more! To the metals...


As this dreadful virus wages a massive toll on the global economy, on people’s jobs and on so many lives, the music industry is...


Nita Strauss is one of the greatest guitarists on the planet today. Not female guitarist. Guitarist. Period. And now you have the chance to...

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"I'll see in a couple years if I feel like recording another."

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"I mean, I've got stuff that goes back for years."

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Gimme Radio Program Director, Brian Turner, delivers the top 5 jaw-dropping tracks on Gimme Radio. 16 – Me and the Dog Die Together A mutual...

At The Movies

Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne have had a roller coaster of a marriage, but after the success of biopics from the likes of Queen, Motley...

Upcoming Releases

All remixed and remastered along with some demos and goodies!

New Music

Metal is nothing if not constantly pushing boundaries, merging genres and defining new ones. And that is exactly what Mora Prokaza does with their...


An Autumn For Crippled Children isn’t a band, it is an entire mood. That mood is morose, esoteric ennui. A numb feeling of isolation that...

Undergound Buzz

Welcome to another roundup of Underground Buzz, where we spotlight some killer smaller bands. Want to be covered on this section? Reach out with...