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Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

16, SHARDS OF HUMANITY among Gimme's Top Tracks of the Week


Gimme Radio Program Director, Brian Turner, delivers the top 5 jaw-dropping tracks on Gimme Radio.

16 – Me and the Dog Die Together

A mutual owner/pet death pact isn't always the fodder for metal, but here's the latest from San Diego heavies 16, due with a new LP on Relapse June 5th titled 'Dream Squasher'. Rollicking doubletime drums, badass riffage and vocals. I do however hate the video showing a 60s dog being prepped and shot into space.


From last month's 'Cold Logic' (Unspeakable Axe label), this Memphis combo takes their second full length swipe at presenting fresh and crisp multilayered death metal. Technical flash shares equal space with primitive grunt, tempered moods, experimental forays, and a very cool slab of cover art created by Brooks Wilson from Crypt Sermon.


Made up of Allfather and Redbair members, Wretched Empires saddle themselves as anti-fascist black metal, a bit of a stylistic shift from previous bands' metal/hardcore (albeit still political) leanings. Grim yet expansive and unusually uplifting, their self titled EP has been getting play on our Battleflutes and Sideways Skulls program.

NOX FORMULAE – Psychopath of Nox

Solid track from the second and newest LP from these purveyors of the Greek black metal underground. 'Drakon Darshan Satan' out now on the Dark Descent imprint.


Father John Misty's new Sub Pop labelmates come from somewhat of a different background and the message is quite different in that the machines are here to fuck up everyone and everything. Part bonkers arcade game, part industrial-metallicized Devo and part Survival Research Labs unhinged mechanization out to chop, flamethrow, shoot and roll over everything in sight, L.O.T.I.O.N. MC offer up two slabs of futurism/nihilism on this new bastion of antqiue culture, the 7" single.

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