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They may not be a stand-out band in the Death Metal world for me, but I have always appreciated Aborted’s guttural brand of blood-soaked...

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When we reported last year that King Diamond had to undergo triple bypass heart surgery, things were not looking good for the King. And...

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Despised Icon frontman Alex Erian just can't sit still and not be in a band. He has announced the formation of a new group...


When our photographer Aline Miladinovich had the opportunity to spend a few weeks bunking on Mayhem's tour bus, this past Fall, she could not...


A few hours ago, Born Of Osiris posted an update to their Facebook page, announcing they were parting with guitarist Jason Richardson. The update...

Upcoming Releases

It seems like it's been for-ev-er (really, just a year) since T.R.A.M. announced they will be putting out an album. The group, of course,...

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¡ ATTENTION !To whom it may concern:AT THE DRIVE-IN will be breaking their 11 year silenceTHIS STATION IS …NOW…OPERATIONAL — At The Drive-In (@AtTheDriveIn_)...


While most of us complain about gaining a few extra pounds over a sinful New Year's Eve celebration or a hangover so legendary that...


This week just flew by! I can't believe it's already Thursday. While things are moving slowly in the metal world, there were enough little...

Best of 2011

There are dozens of factors that go into creating a "great" record, and I try to consider them all while listening to music of...

Best of 2011

Not too long ago, I went over to Double-Down Saloon to celebrate Frank’s birthday with the rest of the crew from Metal Injection and...

Best of 2011

I offer these up with one of those typical "in no particular order" disclaimers.  That may seem chickenshit to some, but there are just...

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For most people an anniversary acts as a trigger that reminds you another year has gone by in your life. To some people it...


Here is an awesome clip from the genius over at Scion A/V in which they sent hip-hop producer Prince Paul, known for his work...

Breakups & Shakeups

A few weeks back we reported that Testament was enlisting some heavy hitter hired guns to play drums on their new album due to...

Upcoming Releases

'Tis the season to record new music. As the weather gets colder, bands are taking a break from the road, which means bands have...

Bummer Alert

I'm a big proponent of earplugs when going to metal shows. For every idiot that says "if it's too loud, you're too old," try...

Around the Interwebs

This is pretty much the most awesome photo in the history of the world (for today at least). I'm not exactly sure how this...


I remember the first time I ever heard Spastic Ink's debut LP Ink Complete I immediately stopped what I was doing as if I...


For all the shit we give Metallica on this site, I feel a post like this is deserving of the band. Remember that awesome...

Fuck Yes!

We're really excited that things have kicked off for this new side-project featuring Mastodon's Brent Hinds, Dillinger Escape Plan guitarist Ben Weinman, former Mars...


Moments ago, Sumerian Records posted the above video on their Facebook page, saying "Yes, this is REAL and yes there have already been two...


YOU GUYS! They were back for one night only. Plant Vochestra, the improv group which consists of Tommy Rogers of Between The Buried and...