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On February 5th, 1994, Damien Echols, Jesse Misskelley and Jason Baldwin were convicted of the murders of three young children in the "Robin Hood...

Latest News

Last year there were a ton of rumors that Corey Taylor was going to be the new singer for Velvet Revolver. While Corey did...

RIP a Livecast

Click Here To Watch The Video We kicked things off on this edition discussing Dave Mustaine's recent revelation about asking Jaymz and Lars to...


Remember yesterday when we posted that amazing story about Dave Mustaine wanting back in to Metallica? Great stuff. During that same interview, Mustaine was...

Fuck Yes!

Well this is certainly exciting as fuck! Former frontman of The Dillinger Escape Plan, Dimitri Minakakis (you know, the guy who screamed his heart...

A View From Behind The Drumkit

A View From Behind The Drumkit is a weekly column written by Darkest Hour drummer Ryan Parrish. Follow along as he scribes down some...


I generally try to shy away from direct band comparisons, unless the antecedents were such blatant influences that to ignore them would be to...


It's mid-week and there is a ton of new music out there, so get your ears ready, cause it's time to rock! Let's start...

Tour Dates

Boris, Japan's Psychedelic/Noise/Avant-Garde/Experimental/ Metal band, have announced a long list of tour dates throughout both Europe and The United States in support of their...


Wow, it feels like it's been a long week… but we even had Monday off, so what am I complaining about? Either way, let's...

RIP a Livecast

We may have broken a record for the amount of time we spent talking about poop with this edition of the Livecast. We started...

Latest News

When guitarist Jeff Loomis and drummer Van Williams announced they were out of Nevermore, we pretty much called the band finito, but frontman Warrel...

Back in the Day

Once upon a time there was a magical symphonic black metal super group (try saying that 5 times fast) that spent the better half...


Behold!  The Metal Injection interview with Wrath, high priest of misanthropic black metal ensembles such as Dodsferd, Nadiwrath and (maybe!) NunOnBong!  Fucking A! Wrath...


Does anyone still care about Anaal Nathrakh?  After making waves early on with their love-it-or-hate-it blend of black and death with industrial overtones, the...


Former Exodus vocalist Steve "Zetro" Souza recently sat for a chat with Metal Messiah Radio in which he was asked whether he'd ever consider...

Upcoming Releases

Metal Injection Finnish favorites Barren Earth have entered Helsinki's Sonic Pump Studios to record the follow-up to last year's debut Curse of the Red...

Latest News

You may know Fieldy as the terrible bassist from the biggest band of the late 90s, Korn. But did you know he has two...

Breakups & Shakeups

When word spread throughout the internet that Derek Rydquist was not on tour with his band, The Faceless in Europe, we immediately shot the...

RIP a Livecast

On this episode of the Livecast, Frank joins the group and helps Rob and Noa recall their Rammstein experience. We talk about bagel store...

Upcoming Releases

I've talked about Old Man Gloom on this site before. The all star group featuring Aaron Turner of ISIS, Nate Newton of Converge/Doomriders, Caleb...


It's Wednesday, and there is a ton of new metal out in the wild wild webs, so we thought we'd provide a service for...

Upcoming Releases

On Friday we wrote of how certain members of the now disbanded post-rock group, ISIS were collaborating on new music. Now we learn that ISIS...