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Search results for "quartet"


Scion A/V has done it again. They have just released another sweet EP from another killer band. Arsis gets the free EP treatment this...


Venomous Maximus – debuting on LP here after an independently released EP earlier this year – are 80's metal children, to be sure, but not...


Happy Halloween, kiddies! Join your hosts, Evil C. and Bolthorn, as they bring you MSRcast episode 131 and they will bring you a plethora...


Everyone rides that Sword jock nowadays – it's worn, broken in and smells pleasantly of oiled leather – but let's pause a moment to reflect upon...

Tour Dates

It isn't even 2013 yet, and already, we have a tour of the year contended for next year. Just announced: Gojira, with their promised...


A mere four years have passed since Sylosis' inception and they’re already on the cusp of releasing their third record – Monolith; an ambitious...

Latest News

Trash Talk have been on a string of free hardcore shows (backed by big money from corporate sponsors like Vice and Nike). These shows...


One of the latest releases from the seemingly unstoppable Southern Lord Records machine is Enabler's new album, All Hail The Void. Enjoying previous short releases from...


Experimental metal band Gaza have just released their third full length album, "No Absolutes In Human Suffering" and NPR are featuring an exclusive premiere...


With the brand of clean, technical death metal that Nile helped to pioneer on the ascent these days, this South Carolina quartet could have...

Open Metacast

Open Metalcast chalks up another episode, leaving fifty episodes in the can. They say life begins at fifty, and who am I to argue?...


Cattle Decapitation like to give mixed signals: on the one hand, there are the songs beloved by animal rights activists that decry factory farm...


Southern metal lords Baroness have finally announced a release date for new 2CD album Yellow & Green.  This last year has been spent entirely...


I can't believe it's already Thursday. The week may be winding down, but it's just the right time to kick out the jams and...

Upcoming Releases

You may recall that we told you a few months back of a new project which features Sacha Dunable of Intronaut and Graviton, Derek...

Latest News

You have to hand it to TOOL. They are so huge and such a force in mainstream rock, that when they announce an arena tour...

Quick Bits

Heavy metal fashions come and go, hell some things can be seen as major fashion faux pas; whatever be the case most can agree...

Best of 2011

There are dozens of factors that go into creating a "great" record, and I try to consider them all while listening to music of...

Best of 2011

I offer these up with one of those typical "in no particular order" disclaimers.  That may seem chickenshit to some, but there are just...

Metal Merch

The cover art for Mastodon's most recent release, The Hunter is pretty phenomenal. Whatever that thing is, it's cool, and this new piece of merch...


Who the fuck are Heavy Breath? A band who understands the lure of a meaty schlong. (Which is probably why you're reading this article...


Lurching entreaties to rage and windswept howls of purging catharsis are two of the many pleasures offered up by Brooklyn bootstrappers Batillus.  With a...

Tour Dates

I was completely blown away when I saw the Melvins live last summer during Isis' final tour, which is why I am super band...