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Injection Reflection

Here are this week's most trending stories: Exclusive Eyewitness Account: DANZIG Kicked Photographer In The Ribs After Being Warned To Leave 10 Songs For...


Loud creepy music scares the crap out of regular folk, just like tales of fire and brimstone have freaked people out since The Middle...

Relapse Records Podcast

Halloween, the most metal of holidays, is right around the corner, and as such Relapse has put together an appropriately horrific podcast to match...

Metal Merch

$500 to take a photo with Maynard and Adam Jones! Okay…

Metal Merch

They'll turn you into a zombie.


I don’t know about you, but this time of year always makes me want to drink beer, crank metal, and take my shirt off...

Around the Interwebs

Last week, we informed you that Japan's very metal black burger was actually coming to the US (sans squid cheese). Turns out, it was officially...

Music Videos

Booze, heavy metal, and zombies. What else do you need from a music video?

Live Footage

Mastodon's set last week at Brazil's Rock in Rio was filmed for TV. Thanks to whomever ripped it. Here's the setlist. 1. Tread Lightly...

Injection Reflection

This was a very varied week for metal news. Here's what we got: SABATON Frontman Has To Walk 323 Miles To The Next Gig...

Music Videos

Everybody breaks out of prison thanks to Slayer! Here is the video they've been teasing with horror star cameos. MetalSucks notes the video was...

At The Movies

Sadly, it was reported hours ago that Wes Craven had died at the age of 76 after a struggle with brain cancer. Craven, a Cleveland-born...

Latest News

Machete don't text, but Machete does headbang.

Tour Dates

Glenn Danzig and Phil Anselmo on the same stage on the same night?!

Around the Interwebs

A lesson in trolling by Rob Zombie

Tour Dates

This fall, mighty power metal warriors from South America and the frozen wastes of Canada are teaming up to bring the North America one...

Tour Dates

Knotfest is back for it's third year, and things are being taken up a notch it seems. The event will happen around Halloween once...

At The Movies

Oh God clowns played by a dude who was in Breaking Bad.