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Search results for "black-metal"

Back in the Day

by: Frank Godla How can we possibly celebrate Black Metal History Month without the band that started it all? Venom was an extreme thrash...


Join us throughout February, the grimmest month of all, as Metal Injection celebrates Black Metal History Month. Be on the lookout for black metal...

Best of 2010

As the year is comes to a close, we will be taking you through the Best of 2010. Over the next couple of days,...

Around the Interwebs

We've seen a brief history of corpse paint but this graphic takes it to the next level, explaining all three waves of black metal,...


We don't do a roundup for a few days and all hell breaks loose! A ton of new music from a ton of sweet...


This year there were many hilarious videos. I went through our br00tal Comedy channel archives and picked out the best funny videos of the...

Fuck Yes!

I don't know why anybody would want this, unless their name happens to be Varg or Hellhammer, but the fine lads at GrowUpPunk have...

Metal Up Your Ass

So it has been a little boring for me. Even though I had a very busy week with shooting shows, there hasn't been much...

Metal Up Your Ass

Get me the tweet out of here! Everyone is tweeting all the damned time. I can't keep up. So here's a bunch of links...


Inspired by the success of American Idol and this clip, Metal Injection wanted to go out and find America's finest unsigned metal talent. Thus,...


2008 was a great year for ridiculously silly metal viral clips to be passed around to distract you from doing your work. We thought...

Weekly Video Recap

Are you still recovering from your Christmas food coma? Well perhaps we can help you. We have a slew of holiday related metal videos...

Weekly Video Recap

First off there were a slew of new music videos that we posted this week: – MUDVAYNE – Do What You Do – DOWN...

Latest News

Headbangers Blog had the chance to sit down with BLEEDING THROUGH vocalist Brandon Schieppati for an audio interview during an off-date of their current...

Latest News

Headbangers Blog has a new audio podcast interview with NACHTMYSTIUM vocalist Blake Judd. On the heels of the release of their new epic, Assassins...

Latest News

In a June 18th press release, Norwegian black-metallers MAYHEM announced that they were cancelling upcoming tour dates because of an injury their drummer, Hellhammer,...