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Search results for "black-metal"

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The End Records is now selling special edition re-releases of Dissection's entire catalog!

br00tal Comedy

Metal has been around so long that we have a new generation of metalheads, but what about the dads? Enter Dad Metal, featuring the hits “We...


Banger Films just released this teaser of the "lost" episode of Metal Evolution, focusing on Venom.

Open Metacast

The term "Cult of the New" is a term used in the boardgame circles to (sometimes derogatorily) refer to people who are constantly in...

Best of 2013

What do we consider a viral video? A video which isn't necessarily a music video, usually created by a fan, and either makes us...

Sick Art

Remember all the shitty things you used to draw on your desk at school? We've all done it, and there always used to be...


Take a minute to read that headline again, because I was just as confused as you are I'm sure. I can assure you that...

Best of 2013

As 2013 wanes into the cold beginnings of 2014, it's time to look back on the records that shaped the past year in extreme...

Injection Reflection

What a week in metal. We had some big stories like an update on Tim Lambesis, Dying Fetus getting booked on Download Fest because...

Around the Interwebs

You might not know the artist Christophe Szpadjel, but you absolutely know his logo work! Since 1977, Szpadjel has apparently designed over 7,000 logos for black...

Around the Interwebs

Blink 182 drummer Travis Barker is apparently way more metal than we give him credit for. Barker is so metal that back in 2002...

Around the Interwebs

Last week, in lieu of this absurd video of Justin Bieber humming Metallica's "Fade To Black", we launched a contest asking you to Photoshop...

Shocking Revelations

How huge of a band is Metallica? People might not go see a movie about 'em, but everybody knows 'em. Even pop megastar sensation...

Latest News

Move over Metallica, Slayer and all the others. Motorhead is here to  bring you the Christmas sweater brutality. 


Krimh, or the one-man project by ex-Decapitated drummer Kerim "Krimh" Lechner, has released his/their new record Explore which is available for streaming! Come check it...


It is a rare thing these days for a post-metal band to break the mold. So many bands play sludgy, lurching, epic metal that...


Our very own King of Metal, Dave Hill and Phil Anselmo are fast becoming best friends forever. They hung out a few weeks ago...

Upcoming Releases

This week's injection will totally paint me in a bad mood or something. I'm actually quite excited. I'm about to crack open a bottle...

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We're big fans of the King of Metal, comedian Dave Hill. So much so, that we have given him free reign in the past...


Burzum mastermind Varg Vikernes, along with his wife, was arrested on Monday on suspicion of planning terrorist acts in his rural French farm. The...

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Varg Vikernes is more famous for his murders than his music. While Burzum gained much noterity, it was his church burnings and 1993 murder...