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Search results for "bums"


The Whole of the Law is the sounds of Armageddon. And what incredible timing it has.


What do you get when you take one of the forefathers of the New Wave of American Heavy Metal and put him in a...

Upcoming Releases

Four years between albums, but we're getting it!


There are seven songs that haven't been released.

Latest News

Black Judd and Earache, bringing you the Nachtmystium once more.

Latest News

A389 Records is back baby and Junior Bruce's unique brand of death and roll proves that this label still rules.

The Obituarist

Howdy Halloweeners, Trevor Strnad AKA The Obituarist here with another round of sick ghoulish extreme metal to keep you screaming this holiday.

It's Just Business

Record labels don't go down without a fight.

Injection Reflection

Besides a new Avenged Sevenfold album, we got some fun stories about black metal in the woods, cops jamming with metalheads and Asking Alexandria...

Funeral Doom Friday

Denmark rains threnodic sounds through Woebegone Obscured.

Upcoming Releases

Nuclear Blast is lining up a pretty good January, huh?

Breakups & Shakeups

The money giveth, the money taketh away. Mostly that second one.

Weekly Injection

This edition goes out to everyone that complains I don't talk about heavy bands. Our final Weekly Injection of October includes some sludge, blackened...

Dank Slams

Is there a rule book when it comes to slammin brutality? Does there exist one modus operandi that dictates the why and how of...

Song Premiere

The mighty Zao is back and sounding better than ever.


Whether you think positively or negatively about Hammerfall, the Swedes have to be respected for being one of the initial bands to break heavy...

Free Swag

Tomorrow, Pantera will release the 20th anniversary edition of The Great Southern Trendkill on Rhino Records. One of the more underrated albums in Pantera’s catalog, the...


There's no single song here capable of making one singlehandedly forget Underground Resistance or Circle the Wagons, but as a whole you'll probably find...


So I guess this album is just going to have every song be awesome?


Denver's doomed rock and roll outfit has made massive strides towards greatness while simultaneously crafting one the year's catchiest albums.


Anciients is a sleeping giant, and their latest album sees this British Columbia-based quartet continuing to refine their craft and inching ever-closer to becoming...