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Last month, the word on the street was that Megadeth and Lamb Of God would be touring this fall as the headliners of the returning Mayhem...


Kirk Windstein has spent the last thirty-five years carving himself out a niche in metal’s history. As the frontman of Crowbar and the guitarist...

Celebrity Metalheads

Dude is a known Pantera fan.

br00tal Comedy

It's a Christmas miracle! SockPuppetParody has returned to us all just in time for the holiday with a brand new Immortal-themed holiday track called...

Humor of the Beast

Welcome to “Humor of the Beast,” a recurring series where we interview the funniest people about their favorite band, as well as the impact...

Latest News

Specifically for the anniversary shows, probably permanently.

Fuck Yes!

Summer 2020 is heating up.

Show Recap

Last night, Saturday, November 30th, Slayer played what is being billed as "their final show" at Los Angeles's Fabulous Forum. Even though I'm all...

Shocking Revelations

It basically can't happen.

Tour Dates

Down haven't played together since 2016, but it looks like that's changing in 2020. The band have been announced for two festivals so far...

Injection Reflection

November is here. Thanksgiving is three weeks away. Where does the time go? Here's what you missed this week: Here Are The Setlists for...

Latest News

I am still buzzing about this Rage Against the Machine reunion news. Also, how is already November?! Anyway, there was a ton of stuff...


There will be mosh pits in movie theaters for this one!

Latest News

Pretty soon you'll be able to chant SLAYYER  in your local movie theater. To be fair, nothing is stopping you from doing that now,...

Live Footage

SLAYYYYYYYYYEEERRRRRRR!! The band are about to embark on what they are saying are their absolute final dates ever, and their last show ever on...


Psycho Las Vegas 2019 can be summarized in two words: Holy Shit. This annual party in the Mojave Desert has grown from a simple...