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Search results for "quest"


Deconstruction and Ghost have certainly been some of the most anticipated records of the year for me personally, and now the wait is finally...


While we are getting our barrings back from a long weekend of partying, we present you with this list of new music that has...


My Sherlock Bromes, Axl Rosenberg over at MetalSucks did a little sleuthing earlier today and noticed that in recent live bootlegs of The Faceless's current...

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We already know Mastodon is currently in the studio working on a new album. Recently, the band posted new photo album on their Facebook...


Hello and welcome to the second edition of Metal Injection's favorite game… Are You Listening With The Wrong Head!? Where we analyze the rise...

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For the first time in history, the entire "Big 4," Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax and Megadeth are sharing the same bill. The bands have shared...

Breakups & Shakeups

What the hell is going on in Chimaira? Their bassist quit in November, their keyboardist quit a few weeks ago and now their drummer...

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While a New York date for System Of A Down's 2011 reunion tour has yet to be announced, I am still super excited and...


Discounting the formative, retrospectively uncharacteristic Retribution – well received at the time but juvenilia in hindsight – Obscura launched themselves to the forefront of...


Canada’s Protest The Hero has been making quite a buzz in the metal scene ever since their 2005 release, Kezia. The band has always...

Around the Interwebs

We had a lot of fun with this Danzig story that surfaced a few days ago about him being a "poor homeowner" by leaving...


The rules were made pretty clear this time around: no inquiries about his family, prison or politics, as Varg Vikernes did his best to...


Oh, hey there! You may have noticed something different in the air today. No, we didn't get a haircut, we just fixed up a...

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We knew Slipknot had a bunch of dates scheduled this Summer and one of the big questions was who would be playing bass for...

It's Just Business

I thought something was up when Sumerian Records head Ash Avildsen started a tirade on illegal downloaders with "hey all you jobbers…," which sounded...

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The Revolver Golden Gods Awards are always a fun time. It's the one time of year where the metal world get together in Los...

Black Metal History

By Graham "Gruhamed" Hartmann In the spirit of Black Metal History Month, in this year of our Lord 2011, it's only right that we...

Bummer Alert

by: Robert Pasbani Black Sabbath is without question my favorite metal band of all time. Beyond just being the innovators and originators, the FUCKING...


We've been covering the goings-on in the Slipknot camp for a while now. Just to do some recapping: drummer Joey Jordison says everything is...

Upcoming Releases

By Atanamar Sunyata Some folks will claim that the revealing of album art isn't really news.  If the art is for an album I'm...

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Renowned guitar god, and Thor Shredsteen's mortal enemy, Yngwie Malmsteen is reportedly going to be sitting in on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon on...

Upcoming Releases

Meshuggah frontman Jens Kidman and drummer Tomas Haake were the guests during a live chat in the Nuclear Blast Screening Room yesterday and they...