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Clip of the Day

> INTO ETERNITY have put up their new video "Severe Emotional Distress." The clip was directed by Kevin Wildt. Guitarist/vocalist Tim Roth had this...


After Coldplay's performance at 2003's MTV Music Awards, host Chris Rock said, "Wow, I hope you didn't slit your wrists to that one." He...

Clip of the Day

Today's br00tal clip comes from EMPEROR and the song is titled "The Loss And Curse of Reverence". I am a fairly new fan of...


The first time time I heard Into Eternity, they opened for Hate Eternal on a bill heavy with growl-and-gurgle death metal bands. Imagine my...

Clip of the Day

Dying Fetus is a br00tal band, there is no doubt about it. So br00tal in fact, that they were chosen by us to be...

Latest News

Here are a few pieces of news from around the web: > GWAR shot a new video for "Eight Lock" off their recent brutal...

Latest News

n00b Ouch. At a recent White House reception for freshman members of Congress, Virginia's newest senator tried to avoid President Bush. Democrat James Webb...

Latest News

Chimaria is set to release their next album "Resurrection" on March 6th, 2007 through Ferret Music in the North America, and Nuclear Blast in...

Latest News

So, as I was taking a massive poop, I was reading the newest issue of Revolver magazine and stumbled across a monthly featured article...

Tour Dates

The promoters of the Maryland Death Fest have announced the finalized lineup for the event, which is set to take place on May 26th...


If Sweden's Wolf had its way, Bruce Dickinson would never have joined Iron Maiden and Rob Halford would never have left Judas Priest. Over...

Latest News

Tomorrow is turkey day for us here in the "U.S. and A.", so I'm gonna stuff you all full of the latest news as...

Latest News

Another weekend approaches its ending, so much news saturated with bullshit, so I'll bring out the interesting ones to the forefront: KILLSWITCH ENGAGE has...


Okay, I know this is a little late, but whateva you are getting it now. On October 29th I saw one of the most...

Tour Dates

This is a pretty serious festival. I didn't hear about it until this morning, which is probably because I may have confused it with...

Latest News

Meshuggah issued a statement where they announced that they are currently in "writing mode" (read: smoking a lot of pot) and should be for...

Tour Dates

"I'm Kerry King" – Kerry King Fresh off the global legs of the Unholy Alliance Tour, SLAYER will be returning to the U.S. to...

Show Recap

(This is part 1 of my experience at Gigantour. Part 2 coming soon.) I arrive at the Nassau Coliseum for Gigantour with my friend,...

Latest News

Apparently, the Orlando Sentinel had a contest trying to define something we've all known for 15 years. Why Metallica sucks By Jason Ferguson The...

Behind the Scenes

Just to get the wheels rolling on my blogosphere existence, I figured I'd answer one of the most common questions I get asked by...

Ask Me...I'm Right

okay i know you probably get this alot, but Aiden is my FAVORITE band in the world…..its like….u know when you get that anxious/happy/ecstatic...

Ask Me...I'm Right

I was at Sounds of the Underground a few months ago and after GWAR had finished I was awed, I mean how in the...

Ask Me...I'm Right

Well, im going around asking any band I come across how they got signed. Whats the story with you guys? Was it a hook...