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Search results for "peace"

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from AngelMaker, Arkaik, Dog Fashion Disco, Konvent, Messa, and Syk.

Breakups & Shakeups

Vega wanted to be a full-time member, and that didn't happen.


On why they're named what they're named, their influence, and more!

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"We take this step in support of our community and in solidarity with the people of Ukraine."

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Amon Amarth vocalist Johan Hegg is the latest metal musician to speak out against the Russian government's invasion and destruction of Ukraine. Hegg pointed...

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"Please do not make the whole Russian people an accomplice."


"The War To End All Wars is streamlined, while still being epic in scope and attitude. It covers a lot of ground in just...

New Music

Well, it's one really long song anyway.

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Corey Taylor, Scorpions, Guns N Roses, Fall of Stasis, Eight Bells, Blood Incantation, Abraham, and D'Virgilio, Morse & Jennings.

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"NOTHING can justify the violence and death of innocents."

Music Videos

Touching on the currently-iffy times.

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Megadeth, Meshuggah, and Queensrÿche all get shout outs.


Unless you're into it.

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Amorphis, Author & Punisher, Heavy Meta, Cult of Luna, Once Human, Voivod, and WAIT.

This Is Just A Tribute

The man partially responsible for creating a ton of legendary bands.

Latest News

At first glance, you’d assume that metal music and gambling do not have anything in common; however, if you look at them more closely,...