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Mashups & Covers

Dave Grohl continues his Hanukkah series of covers with a cover of Moutain's "Mississippi Queen." Grohl writes of the cover "Talk about making a mountain out...

Mashups & Covers

Dave Grohl continues his Hanukkah series of covers with a cover of Drake's "hotline Bling." Grohl says "You might be surprised to learn that...

New Music

Yesterday, Dave Grohl announced he was releasing one cover by a Jewish musician for every night of Hanukkah. The festival of Grohls kicks off...

Upcoming Releases

Tonight is the first night of the annual Jewish tradition of Hanukkah, which any Adam Sandler fan knows lasts eight crazy nights. While Dave...


One of the few bright spots on the internet nowadays is the ongoing drum battles between Foo Fighters' Dave Grohl and 10-year-old music whiz...


Specifically in Tulsa, OK on November 14, 2017.

Latest News

We're so glad Brian is doing better and look forward to the album.

Fuck Yes!

Grohl also invited Nandi to perform with the Foos when concerts restart.


System of A Down made waves on Friday by releasing their first new music in fifteen years, to support the Armenia Fund, and raise awareness...

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Gimme Metal Program Director Brian Turner delivers the week's top 5 office buzz-worthy tracks. MÖRK GRYNING – Infernal With Hinsides Vrede being the first release...


"Of course it's frustrating. But that's having to do with American politics."

Metal Merch

Petrucci's line include mustache wax, beard balm, and two sizes of beard oil.

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"It was a horrible kind of deafness. I was literally getting by on muscle memory and mouth shapes."

Record Sales

Congratulations are in order for Deftones, who got great news about chart positions for their ninth studio album, Ohms, which debuted at Number 5...

Latest News

A new wave of bands spoke up over the weekend, distancing themselves from disgraced booking agent John Finberg. Finberg was outed in an an explosive...

Injection Reflection

Holy cow, it's October now? How did that happen? Put on some Type-O, and take a look at what you missed this week… 10-Year-Old...