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Full Album Stream

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with the album premiere of The Sound That Ends Creation’s Memes, Dreams, and Flying...

Upcoming Releases

"Our hope is in 2021, maybe in the first half of the year, put a new record out."

Upcoming Releases

"I'm looking it as an opportunity to experiment with a brand-new instrument."

At The Movies

Not that this should comes as a surprise to anyone, but the following article contains spoilers for Bill & Ted: Face the Music. Read...


Sweden's resident power-pop-metalcore-symphonic-cinematic (not an actual sub-genre of metal, but they're hard to define, right?) metallers Amaranthe are low-key one of the busiest bands...

Around the Interwebs

The ongoing "feud" between  Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl and adorable 10-year-old musician Nandi Bushell has a new twist, with Dave Grohl releasing a new...


Also members of Arch Enemy, Scorpions, Accept, Michael Schenker Group!


Titan To Tachyons does to progressive stoner metal what Behold… The Arctopus did to tech-death, pushing their eccentricities to the limit.


"We’re always trying to be where we want to be, not where other things around us are. . . . It’s better to keep...

Extreme of the Extreme

Sometimes a band just needs a change. Look at how often band’s change out members and it sparks new, outstanding music. One of these...

New Music

Oh hell yeah, I' mreally digging the new track from Greg Puciato that was released today, "Roach Hiss." The track is from his coming solo album Child...


Fleshvessel fuse a huge variety of death metal ideas together making for truly compelling listening. It's challenging, but well worth it!

Mashups & Covers

Not enough bass on …And Justice for All? How about all the bass?!? Youtuber Mgrocki posted a very unique cover of the Metallica classic, where he...

Latest News

"I know a ton of younger bands that play their own instruments, that play in-your-face rock."

New Music

Both songs will be a part of Lost Themes III.


Perhaps because the band had to recover, hunker down and hammer it out against the odds, Palimpsest contains some of Protest The Hero's most...

Music Videos

Lord of the Lost's newest release not only makes us feels things we really don't want to, but it taps into the very roots...


"We always agree on each other’s musical input. That’s the beauty of it; there’s never really an argument about what direction we’re taking."


The viewers went wild for Steve 'N' Seagulls as they rounded out an exciting first day of the Slay At Home festival, and now...

Music Videos

Off a coming 12" with a few cool goodies.