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Search results for "bore"


Hanno is from Germany and discusses how pro wrestling taught him about American culture. A fun episode.


Though it can be hit or miss, the new Blood Ceremony will definitely have folks coming back for additional listens.


Church of Misery rely heavily on the strength of their music, which bears a strong familiarity that could be equal parts turn on or...

Upcoming Releases

A picture is worth 1,000 words, which means that 15 years worth of pictures is worth a seriously hefty amount of words, right? Definitely...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes lots of doom actually, like, lots of doom…and other stuff. To the metals…


Phenotype presents listeners with enough variety to keep them listening, and more than enough energy to want to headbang to. With a strong emphasis...

Black Metal History

Extreme polemics have long held an unfortunate place in heavy metal in general, and black metal in particular.

Essential Black Metal Listening

The name alone here should say it all: Nocturnal Poisoning. Just saying it out loud makes me feel like I’ve got alcohol poisoning.


I'm overall conflicted, and a little bored, by Winter Thrice. Yet, there is nothing I DISLIKE about the album. I just feel like each...

Weekly Injection

The Weekly Injection welcomes you to 2016…two weeks in. Anyway, this first of the new year edition includes weird prog, death metal, doom, and...

Tech-Death Tuesday

It's time once again to enter an aural realm of derangement, that which is known under the umbrella term of technical death metal. For...


Nachtlieder is a one woman black metal band - but unlike Myrkur we're left wanting. Here's why.

Funeral Doom Friday

The Seattle doom debutantes command your attention and put the rest of the funeral doom world on notice.


The latest episode of Full Metal Hipster is a Curezum for your boredom!


Hooded Menace incorporates some rocking parts before a wash of distortion heralds a trippy instrumental departure, showcasing the diversity of sound that elevates them...

Show Recap

Your first heavy metal show is important – it makes an impression on what “a great show” means to you. This could probably be...