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Search results for "Tak"

Black Friday

The mysterious collective recently released three new albums from three of their projects.


Including his least favorite Unearth songs they ever wrote!

New Music

Blackened death metal band Bane are prepping the releasing of their next album Esoteric Formulae. On the tail of the excitement, we are happy...

Music Videos

The sort of swirling void of black metal a project like Lifelost makes is certainly gripping. Bands like France's Deathspell Omega or Iceland's Svartidauði epitomize this murky, depraved sound and...

br00tal Comedy

Specifically before the Pittsburgh Steelers & Carolina Panthers game.

Music Videos

Architects' new album may very well rule.


David, don't you know how the internet works?

Music Videos

It's basically really powerful 80s metal and it rules.

Music Videos

Romanian artist Costin Chioreanu did an awesome job, as always.

Tour Dates

Soulfly are hitting many big markets in North America.


From their recently resurrected Korn TV series.

Latest News

Plus more exclusives from Guns N' Roses, CKY, Alice Cooper, Chris Cornell and more.


Specifically SAVE (Suicide Awareness Voices of Education).


"I was in my mid-30s and making $1,000 on a tour. That doesn’t do a lot to help someone with a depressive personality."

Full Album Stream

As the release date of their new album approaches, Future Usses want you to try before you buy. The west-coast post-metal outfit consists of Intronaut guitarist...

Full Album Stream

Their name translates to "boredom," but this band is anything but boring.

Music Videos

Muse has always been rock for metalheads, and it seems like they are back in their best for with their new album, Simulation Theory out...

Tour Dates

Rap and metal seem to be getting along these days.