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Search results for "brandon"

New Music

Check out a new lyric video for Krosis' "Apathos Vacant", featured on their upcoming album


The iconic frontman updates fans on the new Soulfly record, second leg of the Nailbomb tour, and the growing family business of heavy fucking...

New Music

Featuring deliciously chunky riffs and some legit grooves that will get your neck snapping. Enjoy:  


Megadeth drummer Dirk Verbeuren wrote and recorded a completely original song only on the drums using Toontrack's Superior Drummer 3, and we invited you to record your...

Upcoming Releases

Can we take Danny at his word?


Write a song with MEGADETH's Dirk Verbeuren for your chance to win stuff!


Hot on the heels of the release of Superior Drummer 3, the world’s flagship drum programming software, Megadeth drummer Dirk Verbeuren wrote and recorded a completely...


Brendon goes into detail about the how and why he uses the software on a regular basis!


Including how and why he uses drum software in his studio


The renowned producer goes old school melodic death metal with his Drumception track!


Code Orange guitarist Reba Meyers wrote her own song over drum tracks written by Megadeth's Dirk Verbeuren.


"We wanted to write something where the idea of a playing a 20 minute slot for a whole summer just wouldn’t make sense. "

OZZFEST Nostalgia

Ozzfest 2004 was pretty damn heavy. Phil Anselmo returned to the stage once more, this time with Superjoint Ritual. Rob Halford filled in for Ozzy...


To the untrained ear, this review is nothing but nerdy hair splitting; your significant other who knows nothing about metal and your mom will...

Latest News

On the plus side, one of 'em was owned by Tim McGraw.

New Music

Weed themed? Yes. Heavy as fuck? Also yes.

RIP a Livecast

This week, we welcomed special guest Brendon Small, who you may know as the creator of Dethklok and Metalocalypse. Brandon talked about his new...

Upcoming Releases

It doesn't feel like Matriarch is already two years old.