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Search results for "Suffering"

Funeral Doom Friday

Abysmal affections to you and yours! This edition of Funeral Doom Friday is particularly special. The 2021 Roadburn Festival is livestreaming all its performances...


Fans have long argued about which Zao era truly takes the cake, but many more should acknowledge the band’s late-career resurgence. Classics like Sprinter...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Årabrot, The Lion's Daughter, Wheel, and Kiberspassk.

Shocking Revelations

Tool vocalist Maynard James Keenan originally contracted COVID-19 in February 2020 and was still battling it in October. He revealed last month that he contracted a second case...


Join us as we scour the grounds of Korn’s dark labyrinth for some hidden treasures...

Music Videos

Systemhouse33 comes shredding out of Mumbai, India. It's clear that pain and sadness are the main emotions fueling "Lake of Sorrow", which is reflected in...

Latest News

Paul 'Hammy' Halmshaw, founder of Peaceville Records has revealed that he is suffering from a terminal illness and has started a crowdfunding campaign to...


Black Sheep Wall has evolved their sound, but not at the cost of ultra-heavy savagery to pile drive listeners into the center of the...

Full Album Stream

Featuring Queens of the Stone Age and System of a Down covers!


Read an in-depth interview with the band's vocalist and guitarist about their newest album, their hopes to score horror films, and King's love of...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Suffering Hour, Lizzard, Infinity Shred, and Gravesend

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Transatlantic, Froglord, Korpiklaani, and Dead Exaltation

New Music

Panopticon is back with a brand new full-length album called …and Again Into the Light out sometime this Spring. You can check out the...


How the hell has it been 30 years since 1991? I have no idea, and neither do you probably. It was a decent year...

This Is Just A Tribute

We have been blasting classic Children of Bodom all day and reflecting on what a legacy Alexi Laiho has left behind. Laiho died in his home...

This Is Just A Tribute

What an awful way to kick off 2021, with the news that former Children of Bodom guitarist Alexi Laiho died in his home last...

Best of 2020

Over 30,000 votes have been tallied, and you, the Metal Injection junkies have made your voices heard. These are the albums you deemed to...