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The Wednesday Sludge

Getting lost in the cold sludge and droning environments of Ire Wolve's Heirs.


"He emphatically stated that Rush as an entity is not finished and that, 'we will be doing things together again.'"

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Justin Julio who had the best zinger: "Prof. X and Wolvie circa 1975" Now for this...


A few months ago, Metallica declared they are not a political band. Drummer Lars Ulrich said he realizes the band's fans stand on either side of the...

Metal Crimes

The tale of the Ghost lawsuit has a new wrinkle. This week, we learned four former members of the band are taking Ghost mastermind Tobias Forge...

Dank Slams

Sometimes, there are slams that… well… yeah… you know. Sometimes… just sometimes… the gore and over-the-top imagery and lyrical matter can't be avoided. To...


While attending the magnificent Metal Blade Records 35th Anniversary show in LA, Allegaeon vocalist Riley McShane sat down with yours truly before the show.

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Drew Davenport who had the best zinger: "Robocop Killer" Now for this week's fun photo to...

New Music

On the cutting edge of thrash metal Death Of Kings harness an unyielding and balls out assault.


Not many long-in-the-tooth metal bands manage to shake things up this late in their careers, but 25 years after their first album Body Count...

The Thinking Man

Overall, Tetrafusion reminds me a little bit of early Dream Theater, has its Rush moments, and gets me nostalgic for the car rides back...


Mastodon return with their long-awaited new effort, Emperor of Sand. What stylistic twists will they throw at us this time?

Upcoming Releases

Possibly featuring Dave Grohl, Reverend Horton Heat, and The Damned.


Throughout highschool, I was sucked deeper into the black hole of the Marilyn Manson universe. As I researched each band member, I remember stumbling...

Shocking Revelations

It's because John Carpenter murdered their old frontman. True story, maybe.

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to TreyP who had the best zinger: "It's 2017, you can identify as anything you want, even...

The Thinking Man

Greetings Prog Dogs (no one calls you that)! In my last entry into the Thinking Man's Thursday series, I discussed the band Hemina and...