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Critically-worshipped stoner tunesmiths TORCHE unleashed a "new" video (filmed back when they were still a quartet) for "Across the Shields" a seriously upbeat and...

Latest News

Our week-long coverage of the New England Metal and Hardcore Festival continues today with three really funny video interviews posted. Take a peek: Interview...


The RIP a Livecast starts out with a discussion about the swine flu "pandemic" that happened this week. Also discussed are annoying train musicians,...


One Sunday every month, writer Brandon Stosuy throws together a show in Brooklyn, NY proving metal is still alive and well in New York...


Full disclosure: We are the best of bros with Brooklyn, NY's HULL, sharing many-a-doobs and RAGGERRRS. Usually, it's very hard when your friends are...

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THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN's Greg Picuato is never shy about speaking his mind. And his latest blog post is no different. To begin, Greg...

Latest News

Last year I had the pleasure of interviewing Randy from LAMB OF GOD, Bjorn from SOILWORK and Dez of DEVILDRIVER all at the same...


Now that hipsters, non-metal rock fans, ERIC CLAPTON's label, BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN's producer and mainstream publications have caught on, you no longer need underground metal...

Metal Up Your Ass

So it has been a little boring for me. Even though I had a very busy week with shooting shows, there hasn't been much...

Back in the Day

Unless you spent the past quarter century living in Michael Jackson's closet, chances are you've heard and/or seen the spectacle that is Mr. King...

Go See This Fucking Band

Above you will find a making of video that the post-metal titans that go by the name ISIS have released unto the wilderness, for...

Metal Up Your Ass

Get me the tweet out of here! Everyone is tweeting all the damned time. I can't keep up. So here's a bunch of links...

Latest News

New England Metal and Hardcore Festival, Crimson Management and The Syndicate are proud to announce the Second Annual Metal Insider Summit on April 17,...


As a visionary for NILE, KARL SANDERS re-imagined death metal as hymns of the sphinx, anthems for the pharaoh, the cover art of Powerslave...

Monday Wake Up Call

God bless the inventor of the "Shuffle" button on music players. Late last week, I was having the shittiest day, and had my music...

tr00 and False

Every time the editors of Metal Inquisition come back to us with a brand new edition of their weekly recap — tr00 & False...


The 14th edition of the RIP a Livecast begins with a discussion about shitstains on toilets and then moves onto SLAYER's discography. A heated...

Tour Dates

So if Decibel's latest cover story isn't enough to get your grindcore hard-on all rattled up [pun not intended], BRUTAL MOTHER FUCKING TRUTH have...

Upcoming Releases

THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER have announced they will be putting out a two-disc DVD set entitled Majesty. It will "drop" May 12th via Metal...

Metal Up Your Ass

Thrash is back. And its cooler than ever because the masters have returned. Testament will be touring soon and Anthrax members are making all...

Metal Up Your Ass

Touring can be tough. But, at least Geoff Tate (QUEENSRYCHE) is here to tell you communication is key. For musicians who get hurt on...


Every week Whenever they feel like it, the editors of The Apparatus webzine will present a new tech album that you should do yourself...

Metal Up Your Ass

Today metal got some exciting updates: like Gorguts' Luc Lemay confirming the new lineup! There is also some really cool Scion footage floating around...