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Mashups & Covers

If you would've asked me what song would make for a good Christian parody, as in replace the lyrics with lyrics about Jesus, I...


By no means flawless, Alter Ego improves upon Темна Маса in every way, giving listeners a more expansive, developed, and sustained experience.

Extreme of the Extreme

Hard to believe that it's August already. Feels like just yesterday we were all free to enjoy gigs and things weren't getting constantly postponed....


Motley Crue vocalist Vince Neil is in mourning, understandably, after the sudden death of his six year old dog California Wolf Neil, a.k.a. "Cali."...


Read an in-depth interview with the Ontario doom duo ahead of their newest album's release this Friday!


Philadelphia’s unsigned power/folk/progressive metal heroes Lör turned heads in 2017 when their debut, In Forgotten Sleep, shot to the top of Bandcamp’s metal chart...

Song Premiere

“Spineless” is the newest track from the upcoming Divine Extinction. Twenty-five short seconds of pure, thick bile.


There are some organs and some choirs.


Ozzy Osbourne, political analyst.

Latest News

Refused, INfectious Grooves, DevilDriver, Entombed, Fight, and way more.

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with Internal Rot’s Grieving Birth.

Breakups & Shakeups

Vocalist Kyle Thomas is now the sole remaining original member.


How has it been 15 years already? It seems like 2005 was only a couple years ago, and we were all enjoying these new...

Music Videos

Swiss heavy metal connoisseurs Burning Witches have released a new music video for the title track of their upcoming third album, Dance With The...

Record Sales

Welcome to this month's edition of the Spotify Mega List, where we rank metal and hard rock bands by their Spotify listeners. This month...

Full Album Stream

The Minnesota trio releases their long-anticipated debut this week. Listen to an exclusive stream of Iterations of Time!


Kirk Windstein has spent the last thirty-five years carving himself out a niche in metal’s history. As the frontman of Crowbar and the guitarist...

Metal Merch

One of the most legendary moments in Ozzy Osbourne's career is reaching it's 38th anniversary today. On January 20, 1982, Ozzy bit the head...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include riffs, kawaii-influenced bops, gloom and more! To the metals...