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Search results for "pulse"

Best of 2017

Another year is just about in the books. As the world teeters further and further toward the chasm of total breakdown, we the good...

Best of 2017

Hooray, this marks my third time whipping up a good ol' end-of-the-year list! And I gotta say, it's not exactly getting easier choosing who...

Around the Interwebs

We're gonna need like, all of these as album art pieces.


FFO: Code Orange, Drive Like Jehu, Today is the Day...


One thing RAM has had a knack for and continues to sharpen is their ability to craft really hooky vocal lines and memorable melodies,...


The legendary Cannibal Corpse presents a truly brutal and horrifying gift in Red Before Black

Latest News

"The doctor said, 'You won't play guitar anymore.' He said, 'You have 80% use of your hand and you will never play guitar again.'...

Music Videos

On their new album, Dark Future, its very clear that Entheos are exploring new avenues with their sound. We noticed it with their other single,...


Black and doom metal inspire our new favorite ambient project!


Never Forever comes at you hard with stunning melodies and a bottom end that just won't quit.

Scene Report

Prepare to be lost in the brutal haze, noise, and psychedelic sludge that makes for Japan's metal scene.


We cover the impact and sound of each Linkin Park record in honor of the life and art of Chester Bennington.


Anticult is Decapitated’s latest release, and it might be set to alienate even more fans than before.

Black Metal Chronicles

Darkthrone’s 1993 album, Under a Funeral Moon, represents the true essence of black metal. You can largely determine how you feel about black metal...

Song Premiere

The Connecticut/New York black metal outfit returns with a terror of a new song.

The Obituarist

Hi kids, do you like violence? Trevor from The Black Dahlia Murder here again with more sick underground offerings to embalm your earholes this...


Much of in•ter a•li•a comes off like a band making a concerted effort to cast off accusations of bloat and indulgence in their former...


WICK will burn a hole into your soul.

Dank Slams

Sometimes, there are slams that… well… yeah… you know. Sometimes… just sometimes… the gore and over-the-top imagery and lyrical matter can't be avoided. To...

The Obituarist

The Obituarist back again with another potent dose of sick underground metal to wreck your neck just in time for spring!


Another solid, no bullshit effort by a band that seems almost incapable of producing any different.