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Earnings & Attendance

Who drew more people to their shows: Korn, Judas Priest or Mastodon? The answer may surprise you…

From Metallica and Ozzy Osbourne to Alice Cooper, KISS and Chris Jericho's Fozzy, pro wrestling legend Iron Sheik holds nothing back offering his opinions...


After years of talking about it, Devin Townsend has returned with Ziltoid in tow. This time they bring us two discs full of songs...

Tweet Roundup

Dimebag Darrell would've been 48 years old today.

Weekly Injection

Quantity and quality from the more underground side of metal this week friends. this week's edition includes the reunion album from a band that...

Tour Dates

Guns N Roses, Slayer, Avenged Sevenfold, Mastodon, Gojira among over 50 bands playing the May festival.

Full Album Stream

A few weeks ago, we told you about a pretty killer Michael Jackson tribute album being put together featuring the like's of Testament's Chuck...

Upcoming Releases

That's right; Thriller is going to be a metal tribute album to Michael Jackson and will feature members (and former members) of bands like...

Latest News

Soulfly's Savages is officially released early next week (October 1st here in the states) but that doesn't mean you have to wait until then to...


We all some laughs a few days ago when Machine Head frontman Robb Flynn "congratulated" Avenged Sevenfold on the success of their new covers album, Hail to...

Tour Dates

Tesseract and Scale the Summit seem to be on the road all the time, and probably will be for the next forever or so....

RIP a Livecast

There was a lot of discussion of sandpaper and lots of talk of milk shakes on this edition of the RIP a Livecast. We...

Latest News

We've always had a great time at the Revolver Golden Gods Awards. We've been on the black carpet every year (watch some of our...

Latest News

Tool guitarist Adam Jones is a noted pro wrestling fan. At WWE Summer Slam two years ago, he surprised audiences by playing the national...

Latest News

The shopping season kicks into full gear on Friday (see our holiday gift guide for metalheads here) but Amazon.com isn't waiting until Friday. They...

Tour Dates

After Randy Blythe was arrested in the Czech Republic, resulting in the cancellation of their North American tour with Dethklok, fans were bummed. Then,...

Upcoming Releases

It's finally here folks, one of the most anticipated albums of the year; does The Faceless' new one deliver? Kind of (don't hate me)....

Tour Dates

What do you get when you transform a festival ground with a few stages, invite Shinedown, Godsmack, Staind, Papa Roach, Adelitas Way, P.O.D., Deuce,...

Tour Dates

Rockstar Energy Uproar Festival is like Mayhem Fest's more mainstream brother, featuring radio-friendly rock bands that some of you might be excited about. For...

Latest News

Every year, the Revolver Golden Gods Awards ends up being the biggest party of the year when it comes to metal. We always run...


It's late Tuesday, sorry about the lack of blog updates but my internet has been having problems and I spent all day hanging out...


[tv]https://metalinjection.net/tv/view/6835/revolver-golden-gods-2011-black-carpet-report[/tv] It's official. We are DONE posting interviews from this year's Revolver Golden Gods Awards. We have almost 30 clips in total, with endless...

Latest News

The Revolver Golden Gods 2011 are in the can. While highlights are set to air on VH1 Classic next month, there is no way...