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A/V Roundup: Full album streams from Mike Portnoy's New Band, REVOCATION, YOB, New music from WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM, HELLA; BIG BUSINESS Teach Metal

It's late Tuesday, sorry about the lack of blog updates but my internet has been having problems and I spent all day hanging out with the foreman of Time Warner Cable. Very exciting. The best part is my internet is still fucked. Anyway, here is a roundup of all the new music that was posted today:

Hey, remember Mike Portnoy? We've written about him enough. Well he has a new band now called Adrenaline Mob. It features the guitarist of Fozzy and the vocalist from Symphony X. My one sentence review of this: Noa will love this! Above is their full EP stream

I highly suggest you stop reading this post and go listen to the new Revocation album streaming in full, I really don't know how else to convince you it's worth a listen. I've talked about it enough.

If you like to burn trees (and I'm not talking 'bout redwoods) then you can certainly appreciate a full album stream from YOB of their new record Atma.

Attention fans of epic neo-black metal. ATTENTION!! There is a new Wolves in the Throne Room song, and I am 99% sue you will love it. Listen to it at NPR.

For all of you post-rock fans, there is a new Hella song over at Pitchfork and it bums me out that Hella doesn't do vocals anymore, ever since they got rid of like 1/2 the band. Fun Fact: Their last release, There is No 666 In Outer Space is basically one of my favorite records of all time.

I fucking love Big Business. I saw them live a few weeks back and they blew my mind and eardrums away. They are so loud. They are so great. They are so metal!!! So metal in fact, they taught some schlub from FoX News' Red Eye how to do it right…yea, that's the ticket…

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