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But the most important question of all may never get answered: corn or flour tortilla?


There is one constant in all of Slayer's albums… Tom Araya's consistent vocal delivery.

Bummer Alert

Earlier today, we reported the sad news of the passing of Wayne Static. Based on some tributes posted by musicians and friends, drugs were...


“But what about Punk Rock?” Punk and metal have always had a weird, sometimes difficult relationship. In a way this is strange, as the...


Symphonic metal is one of the most artistic subgenres of metal. I feel like there’s a certain way it needs to be done in...

RIP a Livecast

After a week hiatus, we were back with our friend Jimmy Viola sitting on the entire show. Jimmy was on to campaign to host...

It's Just Business

Finally, no more skipping around to find music I actually like!


Early last week, after reports of throat slashings at their show in El Paso, Broken Hope found themselves without a tour after being kicked...


Ihsahn posted a new song today called "NaCl," which is the chemical compound for sodium chloride… I had to Google that. What I didn't...

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Chemical Mike who had the best zinger: Time to Play the Game "Guess who Farts the...


Anything regarding new Revocation is a big deal, mostly because everything they do is just so damn good. Their new jam "Fracked" is no...


D.R.I. hasn't reared their heads on record since 1995's Full Speed Ahead, a duration which vastly exceeds the length of the band's recorded history to...


The new era of Slayer has begun, Slayer 2013 if you will and it will feature founding members Kerry King & Tom Araya, Exodus'...


Geo·dissonance: the metal movement is proliferating to all corners of the globe. In its relentless display of vitriolic truths and the ugliest questions of...

Music Videos

The first track off the band’s upcoming sophomore release, Post Mortem. The video, directed by P.R. Brown (My Chemical Romance, Avenged Sevenfold, Prince)


Distressingly, the majority of Yakuza reviews still focus heavily on the alchemical influence the Chicago music scene has had on the band – noise rock,...

Upcoming Releases

A growing trend in the music industry is for musicians to create comic books as a way to supplement their music and/or their income. Claudio Sanchez...

Latest News

Paul Gray, the late Slipknot bassist who was found dead in his hotel room roughly two years ago could have been involuntarily killed by...

Sick Art

Whether you're a music collector or download enthusiast, I'm sure you have wondered about the meaning and motives behind the artwork representing some of...

Open Metacast

Open Metalcast Episode 49, where we've got you under my treads. Show notes after the break: http://archive.org/download/OpenMetalcastEpisode49UnderMyTreads/open_metalcast_049.mp3Podcast: Download


Owing either to their Italian origins or a discography heretofore released on small, defunct labels or the band's own Supernatural Cat imprint – most...

Latest News

When you usher an innate passion for riffs with the demons invoked by years of heavy boozing and tripped out touring, self-destruction can become...