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Search results for "BEST"

Best of 2019

There were so many great releases this year, and sonically, this might be the best sounding year ever. And it couldn't be done with...

Best of 2019

Labels come in all sizes and sorts, but their power to reach the masses and curate a collection of artists is undeniable. Today we’re...

Best of 2019

The live setting is where an artist can truly shine. There were many incredible performances this year, but today we’re asking our readers to...

Best of 2019

There were a lot of great vocal performances this year, but which singer stood out among the rest? We've narrowed it down to our...

Best of 2019

This year had some amazing drum performances, but which one was the best? We narrowed it down to our favorite drummers who released a...

Best of 2019

So much shred! So many riffs! So little time. Which guitarist blew your mind the most this year? We've narrowed it down to our...

Best of 2019

2019 was another incredible year of metal releases, concerts and festivals. I was fortunate enough to cover 200+ bands across North America and Europe....

Best of 2019

We here at Metal Injection are excited to present the Readers' Poll for Best Album of the Year 2019! While every writer for this...


Including Metallica, AC/DC, Queen, Guns N' Roses, and Nirvana.


Basically exactly what you think is on here, is on here.


Peter Beste is more than just an acclaimed music photographer. His first book, 2008’s True Norwegian Black Metal hit the world like a corpse...

Music Videos

I am really excited for this new more-metalcentric Poppy album  I Disagree, which will be released on January 10 via Sumerian Records – yes...


We can't stop watching this.

Music Videos

Music videos seem like a lost art nowadays, but kudos to Periphery for taking more than five minutes to think up a fun and...


Whores isn't on this list, making it invalid.

New Music

It's no secret that we love taste making underground music at Metal Injection, and want to give deserving bands that fly under the radar...