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Breakups & Shakeups

If there is a metal supergroup worth paying attention to, it's Down. So it's been a little worrying to hear some of the rumors...

Latest News

For fans of SOILWORK or comics in general, you are in for a treat at this years Boston Comic Con as Swedish melodic metal...

Latest News

If you own a television, chances are you've seen those commercials for Kidz Bop, the collection of cover albums sung "by kids, for kids."...

Tour Dates

Now this is going to be a great tour. Torche have announced a Summer go-around the US and will be taking one half of...


Metal used to be a boy’s club… pioneered by sweaty, shirtless dudes in leather pants blasting out the world’s loudest and heaviest incarnation of...

Tour Dates

by: Frank Godla If you're unfamiliar with our hetero life-mates in Brooklyn, NY's HULL then you owe yourself a hefty ass kick. Not only...

Black Metal History

by James Zalucky Faded am I, behind a wall of consciousness Still feeling a different world Surrounding me Chilling voices fill my head- I...


Wormrot have posted the second track, titled Erased Existance, from their upcoming Earache release, Dirge. (Hear the first leaked track here.) Fuck, I'm so...


It's been a while since we've done an audio roundup, which means this is going to be a bit longer than your usual roundup....

Relapse Records Podcast

This month on the Relapse Records Podcast we're hitting you right at the end of 2010 with a recap of the year gone by...

Best of 2010

The year is almost over, and this entry will be the final one in our Best of 2010 series as Noa checks in with...

Tour Dates

Click Here To Watch The Video Times of Grace, the new act featuring former Killswitch Engage bandmates Jesse Leach and Adam D., have announced...


GWAR have been killing celebrities and political figures for most of their 25 years of existance on Earth. Recently, they have incorporated a Sarah...

Best of 2010

As the year is comes to a close, we will be taking you through the Best of 2010. Over the next couple of days,...

Go See This Fucking Band

By Ben Apatoff Like most fanatical music dorks, I spend the holiday season listening to my favorite records of the year, in vain hopes...

Upcoming Releases

It's no secret that we love Between The Buried And Me around these here parts. We've had many many awesome moments with the band...

Latest News

by: Frank Godla As most of you know Sikth is a personal favorite here at Metal Injection, between their insane brand of technical weaving...

Around the Interwebs

This is awesome! Crowbar's new label, EOne tweeted the above photo of Crowbar on their current tour rocking out with non-other than Phillip H....


By Kit Brown I was first introduced to Savannah’s sludge-metal quintet KYLESA last year when I saw them as a supporting act on MASTODON’s...

Latest News

UPDATE Friday 10/29 5:25pm EST – Blabbermouth is reporting that numerous sources have told them Phil Anselmo will not be at the event tonight....

Latest News

Rex Brown always struck me as the normal one in Pantera. He always came off like a chill dude, who just went with the...

Tour Dates

Ozzy and Slash are looking to have a busy first quarter of 2011. Dates are cropping up on Ticketmaster pitting the two rock gods...

RIP a Livecast

On this edition of the RIP a Livecast, we were joined by iwrestledabearonce guitarist Steven Bradley. Steven called in at the top of the...