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Search results for "bums"

New Music

So we all agree this album will rule, right?

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Gimme Radio Program Director, Brian Turner, delivers the top 5 jaw-dropping tracks on Gimme Radio. HIGH TONE SON OF A BITCH – Wicked Threads Paul...

Record Sales

Great news for Code Orange, things are really clicking for the Pittsburg juggernaut. Sales figures have come back for the first week of their new...

Bummer Alert

All the manufacturing plants are closed!

Full Album Stream

The once-grindcore band continues to grow into one of metal's most unique extreme metal talents. Their newest album only proves this.


North Dakota death-obsessed whippersnappers pay homage to old-school art form.

New Music

Help 'em out and grab the new version!

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include dread-inducing cello, stuff you can actually dance to, and more! To the metals...


Anyone with an ear to the European heavy underground knows the name Lowrider. The hype language for the Swedish quartet’s years-in-the-making sophomore album Refractions...


With the Covid-19 pandemic on everyone's mind, the world is slowly shutting down into isolation to curb the spread of the infection. Travel bans,...


Escuela Grind takes listeners to a particular institution of learning on their debut full-length

Extreme of the Extreme

Hello, and happy Wednesday! Just a quick reminder all other editions of Extreme of the Extreme can be found HERE! Now without further adieu, on...


What do you expect from a band called Dirt Woman? Probably not this. Five songs, three of them thirteen-plus minutes, and a colossal sound...


Lee Buford of The Body, Kristin Hayter of Lingua Ignota, and Dylan Walker of Full of Hell are no strangers to working with one...

Live Footage

From their new album Titans of Creation.


Celebrating 30 years of epic doom death misery in 2020, My Dying Bride battled lineup shuffles, studio fatigue and unthinkable personal tragedy to release their...


Even within progressive metal, bands sometimes stagnate. It seems like a paradox; the very definition of “progressive” implies forward-thinking and ever-changing. And yet, even...

Latest News

Refused, INfectious Grooves, DevilDriver, Entombed, Fight, and way more.