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Search results for "bums"

Mashups & Covers

Who comes up with these things? Seriously, who is sitting there thinking 'you know if you take the music from Alice in Chains’ classic...


A nearly immaculate celebration and recreation of Ayreon's 1998 progressive metal masterpiece.

Upcoming Releases

Ken Sorceron making good use of his time.

Extreme of the Extreme

How are you all doing out there in the world? It's not great times for anyone, especially if you're not a musician. There are...


Haunting practitioners of metal-laden occult rock, Lucifer bring thick melodies, slick riffs and a groovy inject-this-into-my-veins-right-now 70s sensibility for their third studio album, the...

New Music

With everyone stuck inside thanks to Covid-19 and metal fans watching tours, festivals, and albums all get delayed, it's nice to see some sort...

Latest News

So maybe out this year or next year?

Humor of the Beast

Simply getting to meet your music hero is a special moment. But getting to regularly interview and befriend them? That’s something most of us...

Metal Crimes

Before today, Jean-Pascal "JP" Fournier was known for his illustration work designing logos and cover art for artists such as Dragonforce, Avantasia, Immortal, Edguy,...


You may not be well acquainted with Edinburgh, Scotland's King Witch, with their powerhouse vocalist Laura Donnelly and bandmates Jamie Gilchrist, Rory Lee and...

Music Videos

"It’s a very guitar heavy track with its roots in 80s thrash riffing."

Full Album Stream

The Denver, Colorado black/death entity--at long last--unleashes their debut album. Read an in-depth interview with the band's members.

Latest News

Lamb of God are set to release their highly anticipated new self-titled album in May, and Metal Injection sat down with Randy Blythe to...


Infectious diseases are a constant threat looming over humanity. Diseases have shaped our past and will forge our future. It is thus no surprise...

Back in the Day

Since it started broadcasting in 1981, MTV has been banning videos from airing on their network for a remarkably diverse range of reasons. In...

Injection Reflection

It's only been a week? Feels like it's been a month! Here's what you missed this week: Rumor: Is KERRY KING Launching A New...

Music Videos

It's a really nice one. Sounds like it should've been on Ki.